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David Pye
Recent Activity
Another great set of photos (I particularly loved the melancholy and sorta spooky expanse of abandoned parking lot at the Direct General building). And loads of interesting information in the comments too. Thanks to everyone!!
Brady Bunch/ Parks & Recreation
Found in a part of town heavy on the conifers and housing tracts, we have two very different sites today, each evoking a different TV show title. First is the Direct General office building on Florida, once home to law offices and the like. When I look at this building, I thi...
You are too kind! Illness and dissertation writing have sometimes kept me away from Abandoned Baton Rouge for long periods of time, but as the feed is front and center on both my iGoogle and MyYahoo pages, it's easy to catch up with your latest work when I finally have the time to relax and enjoy.
Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the "epic Abandoned Baton Rouge Mission" you mentioned in your Twitter feed!!!
David Pye
Best Comment Ever, Miss Havisham's Repair Shop Edition
I chose this month's Best Comment Ever from a post about a mysterious TV repair shop because it shed some light on a site that might not be abandoned after all, while adding more layers of mystery. FWIW, that "TV repair shop" looks totally abandoned, but I don't think it is. The buildings ...
David Pye is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 17, 2010
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