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I am curious about voters in the primary who say that they will not vote in the general if their favorite is not nominated. Are they regular voters or just coming out for their favorite candidate? I'm having a hard time believing that party loyalists on either side of the aisle are going to boycott in November. So how about: Whom are you supporting in the primary? Will you support your party's candidate no matter who is nominated? Did you vote in the 2012 presidential election?
Everyone that I know that says that they won't vote in the General if their favorite isn't nominated, are people who don't usually vote at all. That makes me wonder how many solid Democrats are really considering boycotting their party in November. Would you please consider the following questions: Who is your favorite candidate for president? Will you support your party's nominee if your favorite isn't the nominee? Did you vote in 2012?
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Mar 25, 2016