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Susan Davis
Recent Activity
Susan Davis is now following Account Deleted
Aug 14, 2011
Oooh, he is so adorably loveable! Congratulations! I look forward to reading about your adventures with him and seeing photos of him as he grows.
A Puppy Visit
Hello, sweet friends. Yesterday afternoon, we got to go visit Baby Win at the breeder's house. It was a short visit, but sooooooo good to see him again. He's so, so sweet, that little honey-colored boy of ours. I'm sorry about the crazy shadows and lighting in these photos -- he's so active...
I would love to win so many Heidi goodies! Thank you for being so generous and giving everyone a chance to win such an amazing giveaway. I have been really enjoying John Mayer's music.
a week of giving!
Ok, as promised…I have selected some random stuff from my garage, and am about to make someone a MAJOR WINNER!! Today … and everyday this week, I am giving away stuff right here on my BLOG!! Tomorrow evening I will be selecting a winner, and posting YET another giveaway!! Today I will actually b...
Susan Davis is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 19, 2010
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