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The Dawdle Team
Chicago, IL
The official voice of, the moronically easy online marketplace for new and used video games and gear.
Interests: video games, gaming, Nintendo, Xbox, Wii, PlayStation, Atari, Genesis
Recent Activity
The Dawdle Team is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
All of these comments are much appreciated - the more we know, the more helpful it is. We want to make sure that we're on the side of the angels.
It's pretty clear - our position to date has been to give the ECA the benefit of the doubt. It looks, from these well-considered and thoughtful comments, that we should revisit that position. We have been in constant contact with the ECA over the past week, and we want to make sure that we don't needlessly cut them off while they're working on their issues even though we're making it clear that we don't support their current policies on these matters.
The forum lockdown, in particular, was new information to us that we hadn't seen elsewhere. Dawdle has never had forums, and so, we're trying to better understand just how "bad" (for lack of a better word) it is given that the ECA is still available via Facebook and Twitter.
Again, please keep raising issues in this thread. Keep helping us understand what exactly is going on. We want to be on the side of the angels here - we don't need the ECA to keep our business running, but we don't want to throw our relationship with the ECA away (since they have been really sweet to Dawdle) over what they claim is a temporary issue.'s Position On The ECA
Dawdle has had a number of people contact us regarding our association with the Entertainment Consumers Association. Dawdle is a partner of the ECA, and we offer a reduced commission structure for Dawdle sellers who are ECA members. We are well aware of the controversy and backlash regardi...'s Position On The ECA
Dawdle has had a number of people contact us regarding our association with the Entertainment Consumers Association. Dawdle is a partner of the ECA, and we offer a reduced commission structure for Dawdle sellers who are ECA members. We are... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at Dawdle Blog
Know Your Roots - Take Advantage of a Slow Q4 to Play the Classic Video Games You Missed!
While many of this fall's big games were delayed into next year, there are always more games to play than there is time. Many great games have been released in the past few years, and this fall and winter are... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2009 at Dawdle Blog
Please bring all my junior authors and guest author accounts over to beta - it's really difficult to have to manage different interfaces for the master and the junior/guest accounts. Of course, this means I vastly prefer the new layout. Well done, folks! (And take my Twitter bitching in stride - I care enough to complain.)
Here's some actionable feedback:
* Please make "Authors" a default sidebar item for designs/layout. (Actually, I'd love to be able to put this in the top, like the Atlantic does with its Voices.) I don't know how many other people have multiple authors, but it's critical for (the new blog we're launching) to allow our readers to view by author. (We're a $149/year user, in case this doesn't seem to apply to other feedbackers.) I imagine this is pretty helpful in case someone wants to TypePad follow only one of our authors, not the blog as a whole.
* Inserting breaks before the first paragraph seems broken in the post editor. If I start typing, and then realize I want to add an image or an intro paragraph, I can't.
* It would be really nice to be able to float an image left or right but put some user-adjustable horizontal spacing (5-10px) around it so it doesn't "mush" with the text. (Note that I'm not saying on all four sides - again, user-adjustable spacing buffers would be great all around.) Here's the post I just did as an example:
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The Dawdle Team has shared their blog Dawdle Blog
May 22, 2009
The Dawdle Team is now following .tiff
May 22, 2009
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