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Poor little Jay..wont get any action looking like that ;)
Wordless Wednesday - Don't Speak with your Mouth Full
Hee hee..Thanks for sticking up for the poor little abused Nuthatch!
Pot bellies rule!
Nuthatch Got Attitude
I was going through pictures and found this one of a pretty roughed-up Red-breasted Nuthatch. I went to the Smithsonian Field Guide to the Birds of North America by Ted Floyd because it is the first guide I pick up when I want to know how many molts a bird goes through each year. This bird...
So what is going on with that Chickadee???
Oh No! My Chickadee Has a Mullet!!
Does it make him look like John Stamos????
DawnFine is now following The Typepad Team
May 22, 2010
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