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Randee Dawn
Writer. Reader. Never enough time for either.
Recent Activity
Clean and elegant and beautiful. Can't wait to peruse further!
Secrets revealed....
At last, dear people, here is the little project I've been working on (in addition to my manuscript-in-progress, of course, which remains on-going). You'll have noticed that Myth & Moor has a brand new look, as I hadn't updated the blog in years. I've also updated my author website, as that wa...
Hear hear.
Don't Do This
This is invariably going to lose me points with my rightier-tightier friends, but as much as a fervent appreciation for the music of Black Sabbath is IN MY VERY BLOOD, I’m afraid I’m just not down with this shirt. Listen, I’m well aware that a sense of humor is critically essential to maintain...
Trust me, the women's bathroom was no better. First time I ever saw stalls w/o doors.
Back to the Bathroom
To be honest, the fabled men’s room of CBGB has become a clichéd distraction, an incidental bit of filthy folklore that now threatens to overshadow everything else about the venue. By the same token, in 2016, what about the oft-repeated mythology of CBGB hasn’t become the stuff of cliché? Firs...
The most important part of this whole exercise is that she listens *consciously* to music and tries to parse it. There's nothing wrong with passively receiving music (or any other entertainment) but the ability to eye it critically and for how it affects you personally leads to deeper appreciation -- regardless of what she ends up liking of not. Good Daddy!
Our Daddy's Stupid Compact Disc Collection
A couple of years ago, some of you — especially the scribbly rock geekery contingent — might remember an inadvertently contentious new Tumblr site called My Husband’s Stupid Record Collection. As its title suggests, the concept was pretty simple; the blog’s author — one Sarah O’Halla — would l...
If you've grown accustomed to reading posts here,...
If you've grown accustomed to reading posts here, please note that the blog has moved! Go here: For all future blog needs. See you there! Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Sad songs say so much: the enduring appeal of songs that hurt your heart
You don't have to look far to find songs about sadness. Popular music of all genres has trafficked forever in lyrics that tell terrible tales, suggest dark motives and insist that we all live in a vale of tears. Plus, there's a catchy chorus. Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
David Letterman's caution in the name of comedy: My visit to the first 'Late Show' in 1993
So I guess this is how it happens: You do something long enough and you start being able to flash back on your own work. In 1993 I wrote to Late Night With David Letterman in the hopes of being able to get a ticket to one of his last... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Remake, remodel: "Mad Max: Fury Road" and the delicious taste of a reboot done right
When I go to the grocery story for ice cream, I know exactly what flavor I want. Maybe I'm flexible on who's making the flavor but in general, give me what I know I already like. Ice cream makers aren't the only ones in on this truism; advertisers are well... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Let's get retro: My 2007 'Mad Men' review for The Hollywood Reporter
Back in July of 2007, I was about a year and four months from getting laid off from The Hollywood Reporter after a pretty good run at the troubled trade publication (which has very much bounced back in the years since after going through a visionary rethink). But they were... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Contain yourself! Four shows whose “bottle” episodes are short bursts of perfection
Into the life of every TV series, a breather must fall. Here you have a successful plot engine chugging along, peopled by a beloved ensemble cast, all of whom who up every week to continue an ongoing story. But that can get tiring. Everyone needs a palate-cleanser. Which is what... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Good luck with the run, Alex! But if knees continue to be an issue, do consider biking. You get much of the same delightful feeling of freedom and can cover a lot more distance without injuring yourself further.
The Big Runaround: Back on Track?
I’m 47 …. and out of shape. Regular readers may remember a bold series of entries I posted last year under the promising category title, “The Big Runaround.” Prompted by factors of advancing age, neglected health and a desperate initiative to inject a little bit of focussed discipline into a l...
Very kind of Curiosity Quills to include me in...
Very kind of Curiosity Quills to include me in their Blogging from A to Z list! Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
A love song for Howard Jones: Why pop lyrics matter to the teens we are and the adults we become
Music is the bird that pokes holes in our conscious; the lyrics are the seeds it leaves behind, and they flower all the rest of our lives. Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Worked there for 5 years at THR. Lobby is quite nice; the actual worker bee floors, nothing special.
For the Love of 770 Broadway
Back in 2013, I wrote up a nice little post reminiscing about a somewhat unlikely spot for this blog, that being the K Cafe on the second floor of the Astor Place Kmart. As expressed in that post, I have never been a fan of that Kmart, despite having begrudgingly spent money in it over the yea...
Writing Dead: Why Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse still ask the big questions in ‘The Leftovers,’ ‘The Returned’
Years after "Lost" went off the air, two of its co-creators, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse, are still asking the big questions in "The Leftovers" and "The Returned." Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
“Last Man on Earth”: Laughing, or not, at the end of the world
Can the end of the world be funny? It sure can be serious: One of TV’s most popular shows has been showing just how un-funny the end of the world can be for five seasons now. In fact, The Walking Dead has pretty much rubbed our faces in not only... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
10 scripts, 2 Oscars: Which writers will take home the best screenplay awards?
The writer on a movie set is a second-class citizen, a vestigial remnant that might once have served a purpose but who, once filming has begun, can only get in the way. Once a script leaves the hands of its screenwriter, unless said screenwriter is also directing, they’re less useful... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Imitation of Life: Why Hollywood doesn't tell stories of female pioneers
At some point while watching the “Imitation Game,” probably when Benedict Cumberbatch was not actually on the screen, it occurred to me: Joan Clarke deserves a movie of her own. Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Who says science fiction can’t be funny?...
Who says science fiction can’t be funny? "Nothing really new has been created since the Overlords came… There’s nothing left to struggle for and there are too many distractions and entertainments. Do you realize that every day something like 500 hours of radio and TV our out over the various... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Arisia 2015: My schedule, and how I'll defy both time and space while there
Coming to Arisia 2015? Here's where you'll find me, hoping to be in two places at once.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
It’s a Terrifying, Asphyxiating, Not-So-Wonderful Life After All
“It’s a Wonderful Life” aired again on TV recently, as it does pretty much every year around Christmastime. And whether you’ve actually watched it or not (and I do recommend you give it a chance), you probably know the story of George Bailey, whose life is upended one Christmas Eve... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2015 at Ripped from the Headlines
Ho-ho-hold the treacle: Most holiday movies stink. Demand better!
After much delay, at last I saw “Maleficent” the other night. And yes, while it is full of exactly what one expects from a Disney film – for (spoiler alert), example, a villain given grace by his vanquisher tries one last time for the win and ends up falling to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2014 at Ripped from the Headlines
When fantasy writers turn on TV, what turns fantasy writers on? (Hint: Breaking Bad)
On my way to the World Fantasy Convention in Crystal City, Virginia last weekend, I had a chat with an editor, who sighed with dismay that she’d initially packed only four or five books to bring with her for the long weekend. She wondered if that was enough. I began... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2014 at Ripped from the Headlines
Take me now: The seductive nature of TV's serial killers
TV can be a scary place, and some of its worst offenders are also the best-written and most seductive. Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2014 at Ripped from the Headlines
Gold is the superior tune. But I tended to be partial to Highly Strung.
And yes, Duran Duran wins in a face-off.
Spandau, and How!
First up, let me just state for the record that I am not — nor have I ever been — a fan of Spandau Ballet. Don’t get me wrong — I have absolutely zero problems with foppish new romantic bands, but in those stakes, Duran Duran beats the Spandaus every damn time. That said, my wife remains an ar...
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