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dawn white
Recent Activity
although I dont have a recipe I would agree with apple sauce, I have very fond memories of my grandma's apple sauce :0)
'Dem Apples
We brought home 15 lbs of apples, half of which made their way into Father's Day breakfast. The remaining apples are still sitting on the counter in a basket, begging for attention. I'm trying to decide between apple pie, apple tart and apple muffins. Isaac is still teasing me over our apple-p...
simply beautiful
Spring Blossoms Quilt for Quake Survivors
I finished my quilt for Japan on Saturday night. I am so pleased with it. I think it might be one of my very favorite things I've ever made, and it will be a privilege to donate it. As I mentioned last week, I made this quilt for the Quilts for Quake Survivors benefit being organized by Susa...
so sweet. I read to my daughter, trying to hold back the tears...I'm sure all moms can relate to this sweet and so true...thanks
Because & In Spite Of
This is my most favorite photo of my son, Andrew. It seems so long ago when I would wake him up from his naps so that we could go and pick up his big sister from preschool. And before we left the house, he always asked me to put his blanket around him like a cape. He loved wearing makeshift cape...
so true and I think agree about having dedicated walls
To Risk
So during our LA vacation, we spent a day at Venice beach riding bikes. What a great time we had. The great thing about Venice beach is that there is so much to do ... and so much of it costs nothing ... like viewing all of the fabulous graffiti art. Graffiti art. It's a relatively new term...
Very touching
When my Andrew was in kinder, we tried to make him fit into a box. A box made up of uniforms, shirt tucked in, belt in belt loops, no fidgeting, quietly in seat, no horsing around. Rules that we thought were "normal" for every boy and girl. Rules prescribed by the "best" private schools around. ...
This is so sweet. I'm holding back the tears. What a great husband!
The pharmacy closest to my home is this one. It's now called CVS but when my Andrew was a baby and my Monica a toddler, it was called Savon. Those were tough days. And it was in the parking lot of this pharmacy where I frequently found my way back home. As I've shared before, motherhood was tou...
me too but not the bean sprouts!
I have become a friend of Pho. Correction. I have become a lover of Pho. Pho ... a Vietnamese soup filled with rice noodles in a clear broth that comes to the table with a heaping plate of natural goodness that you put into your soup ... Like bean sprouts, fresh basil, and my very favorite: ...
I would also love a chance at winning the book! Thanks
Today in Titles to Remember, I am honored to review Rejuvenated Jewels — a beautiful book authored by Amy Hanna. Check it out here. And to celebrate this fine book, I'm excited to announce Giveaway #4: A FREE copy of Rejuvenated Jewels to one lucky recipient. To qualify, please leave evidence...
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Dec 8, 2009
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