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Daniela Jimenez
Mexico City
Recent Activity
Paris thank you for sharing everything you do with...
Paris thank you for sharing everything you do with us, I love reading your twitter. Keep in touch my friend, love u Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Of course love, but I think friendship and party with friends are your things too!!!
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more...
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more music. What kind of subjects do you guys think would make great songs for me?
Wow, you have had a lot of birthday parties lately!! Great! Have a lot of fun and happy birthday to your beautiful mom :)
Getting ready to go to dinner Doug and my family...
Getting ready to go to dinner Doug and my family for my mom's birthday. :)
Wow I should do that, it's a great idea!!!
Went to the century city mall and went shopping at...
Went to the century city mall and went shopping at The Container Store, which is basically an organizing store. I love it there, they have everything. I also went over to Barnes and Noble and bought a bunch of books a dvds. Now I'm at home organizing my home office with all the new stuff I bought...
Daniela Jimenez is now following Paris Hilton
Mar 10, 2010
Daniela Jimenez is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 10, 2010
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