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David Dawson Brooks
Planet Earth
Interests: New Music, Old Music, Live Music
Recent Activity
Jack White's Voyage into the Jam Scene
The earth dwelling human organism, Jack White, is justifiably one of the best electric guitarists of all worlds. His musical prowess does not quite come from technical ability, but is more rooted in his ingenuity with songwriting and grungy blues riffs that will shake your soul. As of recently he... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 7, 2012 at Bob and Sway
Jack White's Voyage into the Jam Scene
The earth dwelling human organism, Jack White, is justifiably one of the best electric guitarists of all worlds. His musical prowess does not quite come from technical ability, but is more rooted in his ingenuity with songwriting and grungy blues riffs that will shake your soul. As of recently he... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at The Jam Vibe Transmission
David Dawson Brooks is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 1, 2012
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