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Debbie in Iowa
Recent Activity
Okay, now I need a hanky. Thanks for sharing this Norma.
A Red Scarf Thank You
A Red Scarf Thank You.
Debbie in Iowa is now following Norma
Nov 19, 2009
What a great way to cook rice, I'm definitely going to try it. Thanks!
the rice cooking thing
So, here's the life changing (for me) rice cooking method. I cook mostly brown rice which why this is such a big deal. Most rice cookers are awful at cooking brown rice and on the stove top, if you make large quantities to freeze, the water proportion can get all squirrelly. This method, which...
I cried yesterday when I read Cindy Sheehan has given up her protest of the war and now believes that her son "died for nothing."
Something sad
I remember in childhood the first time that I became aware that countries sent their young men to war to fight out their differences. I remember being incredulous. How did you know who won? Was it decided by whomever managed to kill more of the other’s children? I decided I was a pacifist. I’d...
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