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Dimitrios Diamantaras
Pennsylvania, USA
Economics professor, amateur singer, reader of books, (eternal?) newbie programmer.
Recent Activity
While I agree with the general thrust of this post, I must point out that there are whole fields of economics that use mathematical techniques to investigate moral philosophy questions as they arise in economics: check out the journal Social Choice and Welfare, for instance. Based on this kind of analysis one then uses mechanism design theory to harness the power of incentives in the service of moral values, embedded mathematically in social choice functions. While the majority of the profession does not seem to think along these lines, there are those of us who do, and yes, we use a lot of math, as it is a powerful tool to help us address difficult questions. I am building a site at to elaborate more on this, and I have a book recently out, mentioned there, but there are plenty of other sources to look for what I am talking about on the web and in an library. One blog that explicitly addresses mechanism design is .
Dimitrios Diamantaras is now following Philip Jones
Nov 25, 2009
I think F-spot has a bit of photo editing functionality, but I may be wrong... I think the article mentions it. Maybe I should read the article more myself, if I am going to post about it! Nevertheless I certainly am not giving up the GIMP.
Dimitrios Diamantaras is now following J. Bradford DeLong
Nov 24, 2009
Dimitrios Diamantaras is now following Mark Thoma
Nov 23, 2009
Dimitrios Diamantaras is now following Seth Godin
Nov 23, 2009
Dimitrios Diamantaras is now following sarah lacy
Nov 23, 2009
Dimitrios Diamantaras is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 23, 2009