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P.O. Box 941304 Plano, TX 75094
Legacy Property Solutions, LLC is a private Real Estate Investment Company to acquire, rehabilitate, lease or resell residential and commercial real estate. Legacy Money Source LLC,is a private Trust Deed/Mortgage Investment Company to invest private and institutional money in investments secured by residential and commercial real estate. Raymond and Diane Klaas started investing in real estate in 2015 and started the companies with the goal of providing affordable rental housing primarily in the Dallas/Tarrant/Denton/Collin Counties of Texas. Neither of the Principals of either Company are Realtors; they are Real Estate Investors and Private Money Lenders. The Companies' offices are located in Plano, TX within Collin County, TX and their office telephone number is (972) 516-9106.
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Dec 25, 2015
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