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I am a self-motivated, driven, perfectionist stressball.
Interests: Reading, umm, reading, and more reading. I'm a nerd.
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Mar 15, 2010
Good luck to you too Cynthia! It sounds like you have been waiting longer than I have... I'm right there with you in the "short sale buyers club". Well, I'm in the "short sale waiting club" for now!
Countrywide Short Sale Process- not exactly moving right along
So, contrary to this post we really are not moving right along with this Countrywide (Bank of America) short sale. We went into contract on May 9th (well actually I guess the seller accepted our offer on May 11th). I posted about how I felt like we had lots of people on our team all working har...
Right you are about Mongolian BBQ in Big Bear. I only wish they were still open the last time I was there... Ahh the good old days. Thanks for stopping by!
When in Vegas...
It just doesn't sound right to say "do as the Vegans do". But seriously, What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas? Prior to last weekend we had never actually "done" Vegas. You're thinking, get out, no way- you've never done Vegas? Ever? And the answer is, we have never been to Vegas. Normally for m...
Hi Sophie- no such luck. We are still in phase two and just found out today that although we were given information that the BPO had been ordered it actually has not. So we have been in phase two for about 45 days now and have had zero progress. Supposedly the escalation that was supposed to occur on the 13th of August has either not happened or has done nothing for us. Go figure!
Moving Right Along- Countrywide Short Sale Process
You must be wondering if I have given up on blogging. I haven't- it's just that we have so much going on. We just got home from our vacation a few days ago and have yet to unpack. If this trip is anything like all my others we will just wear the clothes out of the suitcase until it either emptie...
Good luck CEC- sounds like you have even more time invested in this than we do. Sure hope it works out for you as well- and I know the hardest part is when the kids are uprooted- so I will hope for your sake that it works out quickly so you can get your son in the right school on time!
Countrywide Short Sale Process- not exactly moving right along
So, contrary to this post we really are not moving right along with this Countrywide (Bank of America) short sale. We went into contract on May 9th (well actually I guess the seller accepted our offer on May 11th). I posted about how I felt like we had lots of people on our team all working har...
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