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Dear Lizzy
Recent Activity
so beautiful stephanie!
i couldn't imagine that kind of fear looming over my head of loosing my husband or son or brother or dad...
YOU amaze me.
it's funny how we deal with things, isn't it? for example...we spend a year being scared for our husband's life. for what he is seeing. we cry for the men lost. for their families at home. we watch them on the news, with white knuckles and tears in our eyes. we see them in the papers...we hear a...
having quilt envy right now...
busy beaver
What I did last night instead of doing my (already late) dare: finished quilting and binding the blanket that's been sitting unfinished on a shelf in my closet for almost a year. The back and binding are the same red with little pink asterisk/stars. Don't worry they didn't run, the white is sa...
ideas to share
Some cute ideas using Dear Lizzy... First, you remember Suzy from my CHA adventure. This is her new blog banner and I LOVE it! The trees sticker with the banner and the banner ribbon is quite fun together. She also cut the "s" from the "dreams" thicker so it only... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2010 at Dear Lizzy
cutie pie
This paper is fun to cut strips of the random swirls and add to your pages like I did on the "cutie pie" page. I also love this page by Stephanie Howell using the Studio Calico kit!! ~Still figuring out typepad... :) it's much different than blogger. Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2010 at Dear Lizzy
A new blog to share all the fun details about my new craft products line with American Crafts. Including behind the scenes of the planning process, inspiration, tutorials and inspiring projects. I am also excited to have a place to show YOUR incredible projects using Dear Lizzy. Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2010 at Dear Lizzy
Dear Lizzy is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 12, 2010
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