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Interests: Knitting, sewing, crochet, crafts and cooking. Early childhood education, literature.
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Esmalte en spray, y si usss imprimación primero todavía mejor. Best, Ana
Toggle Commented May 25, 2017 on De lata a maceta... at Debajo un botón...
María del Mar, ¿Te ha llegado mi contestación? No sé por qué si contesto por email no sale aquí.
Mercedes, creo que contesté a tu comentario por email, pero veo que aquí no sale publicado. Por si acaso, te contesto aquí. Me tendrías que pasar el patrón, a ver si te lo puedo explicar.
Purl-wise; I'm glad you like it!
Toggle Commented Feb 2, 2017 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Hi Jean, The border is knit with I-cord, here is a link to a good tutorial. I hope it helps! Happy new year, Ana
Toggle Commented Jan 4, 2017 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Ashley, anything super bulky with a low twist will do. A Ravelry yarn search Ravelry yarn search should give you plenty of options. I am partial to Cascade Yarns Magnum, but it is an expensive choice, a cheaper one could be Lamb's Pride Bulky. You can find more choices on the pattern's Ravelry Page.
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2016 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Holly, First of all, I'm really sorry for the delay in answering! I was away when I saw your message and then I forgot to reply... I hope you still have time. For casting on, use an even number of stitches (I promise, it's that simple). I highly recommend making a small 10-stitch swatch to get the hang of it and to find your personal gauge. For yardage and other details, check the pattern's Ravelry page. Good luck with the blanket! It's a quick knit, so I think you still have time to make it in a smaller size.
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2016 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Pam, the first picture in the post (labeled Waffle Blanket) links to the pattern in English; the second one (labeled Waffle blanket en español) links to the one in Spanish.
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2016 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
I LOVE the linen trim, its organic shape and the fact that it will soften more and more with every wash makes it even more sppealing.
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2016 on in the spirit of leap day... at rose hip
María José, me metiste el gusanillo y lo acabo de publicar. ¡Qué lo disfrutes!
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2016 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Por fin he traducido el patrón de la manta "waffle" (pura vaguería, lo sé, pero le he dejado el nombre tal cual). Es un patrón gratis, así que viene sin técnicas específicas, pero es relativamente sencillo. Para hacer el remate en cordón, este tutorial está bastante claro (pero el texto está en inglés). Y ya sabéis, cualquier duda en los comentarios o en Ravelry. ¡Qué os guste! Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2016 at Debajo un botón...
Debbie, Rosemary, Do you use Internet Explorer? IE is unstable and prone to problems, and if you don't have the latest version, lots of things don't work. If you are using another browser, or the latest IE and still have the same problem, please let me know so that I can try to find out what's happening. In the meantime I am e-mailing you both the pdf.
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2016 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Aaaayy, lo tengo que traducir, de momento sólo está en inglés...
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2016 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Just click on the picture. I'm not sure which links you are referring to... Maybe the highlighted text? But those are not links. Best, Ana
Toggle Commented Feb 12, 2016 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Hmmm, you got me there. I think that's an errata: just bind-off on the wrong side. I'll correct the pattern as soon as I have a minute. I'd love to see a picture of your blanket!
Toggle Commented Oct 28, 2015 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Michelle, there are directions for i-cord on the Teo Hat pattern, but it is not for attached i-cord. An internet search should give you some good results.
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2015 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Hi Emma, there is no written pattern for the hat. But once you have the tutorial down, you can put any stitch you want on the body of the bonnet. I wish I could tell you I am in the process of writing the pattern, but unfortunately I am far too busy with other projects right now.
Toggle Commented Sep 2, 2015 on Star bonnet tutorial at Debajo un botón...
Sorry, I mean, SLIP the yarn-over. On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 9:18 PM, Ana Sancho Rumeu <[email protected]> wrote: A yarn-over. Sorry if you have been waiting long for an answer, the site has been down the last few months.
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2015 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
A yarn-over. Sorry if you have been waiting long for an answer, the site has been down the last few months.
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2015 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Hi Ashley! I think that Twinkle Handknits Soft Chunky would be a very good choice for this project. Also Tahki Yarns Montana. Hope this helps! I'd love to see your blanket.
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2015 on Waffle Blanket Pattern at Debajo un botón...
Joyce, I just updated the pattern page to show more clearly that you can download the pattern clicking on the picture.
Jenny, I just updated the pattern page to show more clearly that you can download the pattern clicking on the picture.
Hi there! Lots have been happening here at Debajo un botón... but I've been (obviously) pretty bad about keeping you updated. The big news is that we have a 10-class course to learn knitting for absolute beginners at and it's ONLY $9.99 for a limited time! Each lesson builds on the one before and it takes you from choosing your tools to doing simple colorwork, with a ton of little tips along the way to make your life easier. In the techniques lessons (cast-on, cast-off and so on) you will learn three different ones to give you options (i.e.:... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2014 at Debajo un botón...
Thanks to your comments found a mistake and made instructions a bit more specific. New pattern is dated 12/6/14 and marked Version B. Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2014 at Debajo un botón...