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Debbie D
Recent Activity
Thanks, Joshua! Glad you dig it.
Memphis Creep
Tune in to the Cherry Blossom Clinic with Terre T this Saturday from 3-6 PM for a live set from Greg, Eric and Jack Oblivian.
Sadly, I don't know the story about Henry. He's been at WNYC for many years. He also MCs the Danny Stiles Music Museum which is where I hear him every week. Can anyone fill in the blanks here?
Voiceover Genius For Hire
My pal, Chris Reilly was recently laid off at 1010 WINS. You've probably heard him late at night while you were riding around drunk in a cab. Here he is with the great Henry Lewis on a recent Saturday night at WNYC. Take a listen to his Master Reel Here (mp3) then give this man a job!
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