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I'm interested in helping anyone who wants to be a memory keeper be just that. I'm a writer, scrapbooker, mom and wife, dishwasher with an MBA. Check out my book and website (both named Get It Scrapped!) for all kinds of memory-keeping help.
Recent Activity
so sorry to hear about your phone -- and so happy to see these pics and read about your goings-on -- so wish I'd been there.
Chicago visit...
spent last week in Chicago, attending CHA w/ Linda & had a wonderful time. VERY least for me that is. fun just hanging out, meeting people & scoping out all the new goodies coming out soon! see how hazy it is? it was super hot...not as hot as it is in VA, but hot enough where we ...
that's awesome :) my husband and I have NEVER been away together without the kids . . . hmmm. . .
Perspective. I got it.
Tom and I found ourselves with 24 hours without kids this weekend and we did what any couple who has kids would do - get out of town! We left Saturday morning right after breakfast and dropping the kids off and hit the road! We spent 8 hours on Saturday Christmas shopping at two of my absolute f...
DebbieHodge is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
i work with my kids on them making reasonable and good choices. our school's wellness program and health classes have really done a fabulous job on helping them want to make good choices.
How much sugar?
We have always been very strict with sugary foods for our kids. Always. Sure, they get candy on holidays and birthdays and at friends' houses. But we don't have dessert regularly, they don't eat sugary cereals, we don't drink pop or even regular lemonade and we ration out holiday candies for...
Hi, Leslie, Thanks for saying hi on my blog! Just added your blog to my
reader. Love that idea of 2010 energy. Debbie
Debbie Hodge
10 Cold Spring Road
Durham NH 03824
[email protected]
Get It Scrapped!@
My Happiness Project
On Christmas Eve afternoon, we went to the movies with Lily and Elaine and saw The Princess and the Frog. It was delightful :) And then we all walked over to the bookstore. While the boys went off to find their books, I scanned the new books table and saw "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen ...
you rocked the chat pages. and congrats on your CT posts! you're an awesome storyteller and scrapbooker.
Crop, er CHAT, till you drop ... and other fun news
I'm slowly sneaking back to the computer after more or less taking today off. Yesterday I woke at 5:45 a.m. with Jacques' hunting alarm and immediately realized that an all-day scrapbooking chat at Designer Digitals was set to start at 6 a.m. Do you think I could go back to sleep knowing that? N...
OMG! your kids have your gorgeous cheeks. Looks like a fun time.
Kicking off a busy weekend...
You might say we started celebrating our Memorial Day weekend a little early today - or at least it felt like it. For starters, it is Karstin's 14th birthday today. He was the first one up this morning, as usual, and Danica was soon to follow. So we took a few seconds to pose for a birthday m...
OMG! your kids have your gorgeous cheeks. Looks like a fun time.
Kicking off a busy weekend...
You might say we started celebrating our Memorial Day weekend a little early today - or at least it felt like it. For starters, it is Karstin's 14th birthday today. He was the first one up this morning, as usual, and Danica was soon to follow. So we took a few seconds to pose for a birthday m...
OMG! your kids have your gorgeous cheeks. Looks like a fun time.
Kicking off a busy weekend...
You might say we started celebrating our Memorial Day weekend a little early today - or at least it felt like it. For starters, it is Karstin's 14th birthday today. He was the first one up this morning, as usual, and Danica was soon to follow. So we took a few seconds to pose for a birthday m...
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