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East Coast of Florida
Interests: Sewing, designing, pattern creating, cooking, knitting, reading, heading off to the beach & teaching preschoolers on Florida's East Coast with my hubby, my kids and 3 spoiled dogs.
Recent Activity
Love these. So beautiful - I can almost smell the sweet smell of a newborn just by looking at your lovely kimono's/gown. thanks also for the knit link. I've been having trouble finding good knit fabric.
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2011 on baby gowns at artsy-crafty babe
1 reply
what great colors you used in your quilt. I bet Ally Cat is wishing you would hurry up and back and tie your quilt so she has a new one to lay on.
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2011 on my quilt at i have to say...
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Wow! A whole crew of pajama'ed cuties! Enjoy those special days.
Toggle Commented Jun 24, 2011 on Taking it easy at Simplify
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Hard question, but I think right now it has to be the Prince Charming.
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she is utterly gorgeous! My little Nutcracker dancer has long since grown up but this doll is so beautiful I'm tempted . . . .now only to find jammie sitting time.
Toggle Commented Dec 9, 2010 on Clara and the nutcracker at Wee Wonderfuls Archive
1 reply
Ooooh! I saw Parisville at Market and you are right -- it is gorgeous! I'll take any colorway at all! I'm anxious to see the rest of Tanya Whelan's line. I always like her stuff.
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I love all your work and I bet this book is just as wonderful! This would be perfect for my preschool class. I've been looking for some good Thanksgiving stories.
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What a generous gift. New fabrics always brighten my day!
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I saw some gorgeous fabrics there. I'm off to visit the shop!
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Amazing photos to look at. I think the bees will be much happier living on the farm!
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2010 on Bees? thank you at allsorts
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Scrappy pinwheels - my favorite with those fabrics, which are so soft and pretty. No design wall here either. A design-top-of-the-bed for me with the additional stand-on-a-chair for a full view attachment.
Toggle Commented Jul 22, 2010 on on the design floor at i have to say...
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Please enter me. This looks like a great summer project for my girlfriend's daughter and me.
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Certainly. I bet those deer are trembling in their hooves with that big bad rose protector on the job. Seamus is too cute!
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He's adorable -- says she who has three dogs at her house -- good luck with the dog naming. Doug cracks me up as a puppy name. I love it!! Can't wait to see more photos of Mr. What's His Name.
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We seem to make the same reading choices. Noah's Compass - read quickly and suddenly it seems it just ended. Very typical Ann Tyler characters who can always be so like us or someone we know. Fearful Symmetry - yep, just got too weird and I never finished it. Almost Moon - Story is hard to get through. I could not put myself in that character's shoes. Just started Secrets of Eden by Chris Bohjalian. I enjoy his novels.
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2010 on on the nightstand at i have to say...
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Debbie is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
They surely picked the right house for a holiday photo shot. Looks gorgeous. I'll certainly pick up this mag next year.
Toggle Commented Jan 28, 2010 on One last peek at allsorts
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If the project's a go, count me in as a participant.
Toggle Commented Jan 26, 2010 on are you up for this??? at i have to say...
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I always receive fantastic service with every one of my Fresh Squeezed Fabric orders.
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Can't wait! Thanks for the update.
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