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Deborah Yost
Recent Activity
The problem as I see it is that the capitalists who have given in to the "dark side" and the government which has done the same are not only in bed with each other, they are often one and the same. End result is the militaristic industrial resource-war espousing unholy alliance of Big Gov and Big Business, both of which are overdue for some serious housecleaning. Oh, and, yay Ron Paul! (yes, I still like him). I feel the OWS and the original Tea Party have
much in common if they could only get over the right/left dualistic paradigm. What we need now is an up-down meme, or a evolution/devolution paradigm IMO. Peace, y'all...
The Real 1% to Be Concerned About
Much has been made of late by the “Occupy” movement about the 1%—those evil capitalists who hold large sums of money. As many know, I don’t always agree with the approach taken on the Lew Rockwell blogs, but I’ll hand it to Rockwell in this instance—he’s got an exceptional short article up on h...
Deborah Yost is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 22, 2011
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