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That must be really funny watching yourself speaking a different language!
You should have a BFF program up here in Vancouver Canada. You'd be so much fun to hang out with.
So funny, just flipping through the channels and...
So funny, just flipping through the channels and found my show "Paris Hilton's My New BFF" 2 with Spanish subtitles. So funny!
I'm actually not in a good situation. Have gout, didn't ever think I would get something like this, but I do. :(
I'm hoping to feel better in a few days. Sounds like your day is a good adventure.
Good Morning Everyone! I'm getting ready to go...
Good Morning Everyone! I'm getting ready to go scuba diving :) How is Everyone's weekend going? ;
That's got to be the BEST clip of the two of you ladies. Thanks so much for posting it up here. :)
Ellen goes clubbing with new BFF Paris Hilton 10/30/08
That sounds like a wonderful thing to do on a nice Friday morning! It's sunny here, in Vancouver BC Canada, and with the Olympic Games here its a great gift we can give to our visitors to our city.
Happy Weekend to you Paris and also a Happy Belated 29th Birthday too!
Just got back from my morning bike ride around my...
Just got back from my morning bike ride around my neighborhood. So much fun and such a great work out.
Debt489 is now following Paris Hilton
Feb 19, 2010
Debt489 is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 19, 2010
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