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Debt Hater
Washington, D.C.
Interests: espn, reading (fiction novels, preferably), movies (love star wars episodes 4, 5 & 6, detested 1 & 2, tolerated 3), wnba, southern cooking, baking (my specialties are carrot cake and any cheesecake you can imagine), personal finance, traveling., writing, nba, hip hop, gospel music, williams sisters tennis, fiscal responsibility
Recent Activity
Thank you Miss Ami! And I will check out too.
Living With the "Low" Interest Rates on my Savings
I decided to save six months of living expenses because that's what I needed for my own peace of mind. For most single people with a steady job, three months of living expenses is typically recommended and should be sufficient. Besides that amount, which I call my emergency fund or e-fund, I al...
Yes sir! I am migrating. Hope to have the whole thing complete by the end of the summer.
Get to Know Debt Hater in Just Nine Posts
Ok, so y'all know I am having some problems with this bootleg, free blog version of Typepad. For one thing, it's hella hard to get through the blog and find posts. So, for everyone dropping by for a visit, including my new fam -- folks from the Blogging While Brown conference (#bwb on Twitter, ...
Hey @Jessi! Yes, I've wised up considerably!
How Much Should You Borrow to Pay for A Wedding? Not A Penny.
This is a story of how far I have come in my understanding of money, debt and wealth. Once upon a time, I thought it was a perfectly reasonable option to take out a $40,000 loan to pay for a wedding. How long would it take to pay back -- a year, maybe two? My naivete about debt at that time was ...
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Mar 15, 2010
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