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Denver, Colorado
I'm retired and taking advantage of opportunities to re-connect with people and passions.
Interests: photography., indie movies, skepticism, reading, baseball, museums, international travel, watercolor painting, zoos, motorhoming, keeping sketchbook, writing and travel journals, spanish language and music, hosting international travelers, outdoors and nature
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Mar 15, 2010
Beautiful art! Delightful story! I loved both.
Visual Notes
I spent my summers with my nose in a book. I had a bicycle with two fender baskets and I could fill them with at least five books each. I was an indiscriminate reader and the branch library was small. I started on one end and worked my way to the other. Couldn't get to the library? I ...
Congratulations to all of you! What an important benchmark in his life! A degree is something he will always have.
Pomp and Circumstance
One minute, you are leaving your son off at nursery school and he's crying for you to come back. (Okay, he never cried for me to come back.) And the next, you are sitting on a field with 2400 other parents, watching your son receive his degree. The day began early and I knew he was e...
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