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I was already in the process of paring down my dvd queue, intending to go mostly streaming anyway. When the dvd queue is empty, I plan to go to 1 at a time with unlimited streaming.
I repeat: only 2 in 8 years out of nearly 1600; those were both cracked. I have had several that skipped, but all played OK after wiping them off with a soft dry cloth. I seldom keep a movie longer than a week, but one possible reason I've been so lucky is that most of the movies I rent are obscure b&w oldies, documentaries, or foreign films, so they probably haven't gotten as much use as more popular titles.
Only 2 discs in nearly 8 years. Curiously, both were Hong Kong gangster movies.
Since October 2003, with a six-month break when I had a temporary teaching job out of the country. Just got a Roku. First rentals were the British TV miniseries, "House of Cards."
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Mar 15, 2010