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Dee Morrison
Recent Activity
Very smart little girl! She already knows just about anything is better after chocolate :)
Gaby Wants President Obama to Know the Importance of Brownies and Milk . . . So She Wrote to Him!
A few weeks ago, Gaby came home from school, more excited than normal. She opened her backpack and pulled out a piece of paper insisting that I "Sign it right away!" I told her that I needed to read it before signing it. She rolled her eyes (something she's unnervingly good at!) and told me...
So many dreams, so many desires, so many needs--no breakthrough. That's what I'm looking for, a major breakthrough. I've learned so much, come so far, but the major breakthrough to take my life to the next level, thus far has eluded me. What the heck is that all about?! I work with the Medicine Cards quite a bit, both in my personal life and professionally--and Panther has been showing up a lot. Maybe she and I will get to work together this Fall--that might be the breakthrough I'm really needing!
Autumn SouLodge Giveaway: ELEVEN Seats with Black Panther
It's that time again! One of ELEVEN* seats in Autumn SouLodge could be yours. This is going to be a particularly potent season of bringing light to the shadows as the darker seasons close in on us, drawing us inward and slowing us down a bit after Summer's rush. During Deep Roots: Goldmining...
Dee Morrison is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 9, 2011
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