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Interests: knitting
trashy old b&w films
Recent Activity
Thats a really good idea. Small things for others Our weather has turned cool and wet so Im hoping this gets me knitting. Might be too late for a summer cardigan!
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
I'm thinking of giving up this knitting lark
I don't seem to be that god at knitting! :ast week - no knitting until the weekend, as I spent all weed untangling yarn. Saturday - cast on Close to you shawl using untangled yarn. Monday restarted Close to you shawl after pulling needle out and deciding it's quicker to start over. And add beads...
If only it was that hot! I have taken your advice and cast on another close to you shawl AND hitchhiker. Im even thinking odds a larger shawl...
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
I'm thinking of giving up this knitting lark
I don't seem to be that god at knitting! :ast week - no knitting until the weekend, as I spent all weed untangling yarn. Saturday - cast on Close to you shawl using untangled yarn. Monday restarted Close to you shawl after pulling needle out and deciding it's quicker to start over. And add beads...
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