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Interests: Illustration, graphism, history and coulour theory, paper ingeneering, arts, crafts, Japanese litterature, Patterns, American Litterature, Animated Movies, Flowers, Lounge music, Jazz, Graphic Novels, Photography, paintings, Architecture, love, love, love,
love is all you need.
Recent Activity
I just sent an email to my friend saying how I need to make time for sewing. Thank you so much Natalie, this is exactly what I needed to help me start some new projects!
I can't wait to read more about craft on Coquette, what a good idea.
Being Crafty
I've always been a crafty person so now that I am not longer working at CRAFT, I hope to be able to post up some of my own crafty adventures on Coquette and Coquette Maman. I took a trip to Bobbin's Nest last week to visit my friend Dolin and in the process have two new sewing projects to work ...
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Mar 15, 2010
Reading your post when I'm exaclty in the same mood made me feel a bit better, thanks :)
I used to make my paper dolls stand in simple binder clips. Just keep the articulated parts up to keep the clothes and doll up. And put them down to pinch and unpinch. It made them a bit more playfull than the cardboard stands coming with the dolls.
one down and one to go-
We made it through the 5 year old's pizza party. It was great fun but I am spent. I need a break. I love my family and my kids, but good lord. I made fairy sized pancakes this morning (smaller than dollar sized) and they weren't eaten, they had butter on them. (?) That is a new "bad thing" I g...
I'd love a similar dress for adult!
I read about machine free-motion quilting in your book and tried very hard again and again on my sewing machine and I can't get her to do it( in French machine is feminine and she has a spirit of her own believe me). Lots of knots and tangles, I feel bad about it and I feel even worse now when I see this very jolie dress you made. So adorable!
the jumper.
Yesterday was a long day. It was hot, there were lots of tears, hitting, some toy chucking, and general malaise. I had big plans to go to the lake with the 3 girls and my brother, but after realizing that getting dressed was going to be hard, we changed plans and made it to a coffee shop at 3:...
Hi! I tried a week ago to make a book of my blog once again with Blurb and once again it crashed and I went back to my sewing machine who doesn't crashes (good girl).
I think it has something to do with the fact I'm working on a Mac. Doing books with Blurb works just fine and I'm thinking of downloading my blog and then insert into the classic Blurb myself...A lot of work indeed.
monday, and it's raining here.
Here's one risk of having a cutting garden. She was incredibly patient with the petal removal, thank god. I thought we were going to have to get out the scissors. A few things: -All summer I have been eating pluots, thinking they were a fancy French plum, I don't know why. (I make stuff up in ...
I didn't know knitting could make me laugh that much ! :)
These are hurried, hectic modern times we live in. Stressful, chaotic, overscheduled times. Running to and fro, errands, classes, work, activities, groups, outings. How is one supposed to find the time for relaxation, for recharging, for hobbies. Introducing the Hobbibot 2006. No time to knit? D...
A very happy birthday to you!!
Please don't stop the barrettes, the whimsy and all.I didn't, I will never ever and I'm 36. Believing you have to stop this or that is the best way to age quicker.
34 is too young to be old.
Cupcakes and flowers to you on a very bright day!
my happy day!
I am 34 today. That sounds old, but then again, not so old, you know? That's mom and me at the beach. I obsess over old photos of her. It's funny, I think about my mom so much more on my birthday now that I have kids because she is the one that gave birth on this day. Yes, I was born, but I...
Hi!I'm a paper doll fanatic too. I love to draw my own since I'm a little girl.
My favourites ever are the vintage Spanish ones. The search "muñeca recortable" on google image will bring you to some pure delights :)
dolls of paper
While avoiding the long list of things I should be doing, I stumbled across this site, Printables, that links to printable paper dolls from various collections. These vintage Finnish ones are killin' me. I love them with a passion hard to describe. Please note the heart apron. I have not tried...
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