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Washington, DC
I'm a pediatric hematology/oncology fellow in Boston, Massachusetts, recently displaced from New York City.
Recent Activity
More importantly, why are you posting ANYTHING BUT BABY PICTURES to the web? Damn you....
Apple's YouTube Channel
via I'm generally not worried about Apple, I think they are a great company, and their ethics and soul are made apparent by incredible products. If Apple produced only the iPad, the iPhone, the iMac or the MacBook that would be enough to earn them the adoration of geeks. Addit...
Ermmmm -- Apple didn't invent H.264....
Apple's YouTube Channel
via I'm generally not worried about Apple, I think they are a great company, and their ethics and soul are made apparent by incredible products. If Apple produced only the iPad, the iPhone, the iMac or the MacBook that would be enough to earn them the adoration of geeks. Addit...
Jason added a favorite at hello typepad
May 7, 2010
Seriously, Gruber is so ridiculously one-sided as to be a Mobius strip; I have moved him into the same category of feeds as Winer, feeds that k read only while inebriated and able to resist punching my LCD.
Rise of the Sith
There are several significant differences between Android and iPhone OS application APIs, but the biggest difference is one of policy. Every complex platform has APIs that third-party developers shouldn’t use. Android is like Mac OS X (or Windows, or other non-console-style systems) where develo...
Motherfuckers aren't showing me US v. Canada hockey right now... I could smash my TV as a proxy for NBC. Grrrrrar.
10 Things About The Miracle On Ice
10. The game was not broadcast live. Well, that’s not exactly right … it was broadcast live on Canadian TV, so a few people up near the border saw it live. But most of the country — almost all of the country, really — saw it on tape delay, in prime time. The game had ended less than an hour befo...
Jason added a favorite at hello typepad
Feb 21, 2010
Jason added a favorite at nataliepo
Feb 1, 2010
First, what was YOUR nickname? Dying to know.
Second, you know what I'll say about the smoking...
.fat pants weekend.
When Kim Jong-Illmatic and I got home last night, my belly was so full of food, laughter and good memories that nothing fit, not even my fat pants. Yep. This past Labor Day weekend was a fat pants weekend, and it was glorious. My fat pants still don’t fit. Nothing really fits, not yet, but it’s ...
OMG, nail clipping on the subway used to SKEEEEEEVE ME OUT. Groooosssssss.
.subway rules.
One of the best things about living in NYC is having access to a 24-hour public transportation system. Sure, the stations are dirty and smell like urine more often than not, and a sudden torrential downpour can shut down the entire B/Q line for the rest of the day, and you are often thrust int...
This is the BEST THING EVER. Keep this up, and you'll keep me in stitches, which is really what you're aiming for anyway, let's just acknowledge right now.
Seriously, that's the greatest costume EVER. I saw that first picture and had flashbacks to watching late-evening Gallagher specials on our newly-installed HBO... wow. AWESOME. Thanks for the memories!
The Saddest and/or Greatest Costume Ever!
We know that in a couple years we're not going to have much say in what costume Penelope wants to wear for Halloween. Sure, we're going to outlaw baby Lolita garb and will offer help in the form of sewing skills, but we have a feeling that she'll have no problem expressing a strong opinion. Th...
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