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Delinda13 is now following AVATAR
May 16, 2010
Like everyone else has said, every part of the movie is my favorite but the one scene that always brings to tears to my eyes is when Jake has returned to his human body after his first time being in his Avatar form and looks down at his useless legs. You can see the pain and the let down on his face of what being handicapped is for him. And you know that having to return to his real form is not going to be easy for him as time goes on.
My son has problems with 3D movies. He also is easily car sick. The first time we went to see Avatar he was not a happy camper by the end of the film. So the next time we went he took his normal dose of Dramamine and that made all the difference in the world. Too bad that he has to be drugged though to enjoy a movie. We are going to see about getting his glasses changed and see if that helps at all.
Delinda13 is now following The Typepad Team
May 16, 2010