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Thank you!
Love the part on the puppies.
Don't you think Riida loves to take them up
and laugh so very heartily at their faces?
He did that for the exotic cats too.
20100916 Himitsu no Arashi-chan~
Tonight's VIP room guest is Fukada Kyoko~ The puppies are so cute & the boys in love with them just makes them even cuter~ Aiba-chan's innocent smile & dai-suki just makes the day! Cho kawaii! He looks so embarassed~ Next segment is Shibasaki Kou (who is promoting Ohoku) So funny! Cos if she get...
Deliriumden is now following Freyka
Sep 10, 2010
leader!!! Why are you so cute? My gosh...such a funny and kawaii picture. I'm sure Jun must had a laugh on receiving this mail. =D
Leader's birthday mail to Jun
includes this so cute pic of him XD
Thank you!! :)
Can't wait for next week. The puppies look so cute, that I'm sure we will be swooning over the boys carrying them.
20100909 Himitsu no Arashi-chan~
Kazu was chosen tonight~! Never thought that he will be chosen, so happy for him XD Doubt Action tonight... Boring, to me it is the most boring segment for Himitsu no Arashi-chan Next week we have Shibasaki Kou & Fukada Kyoko~ Hope the videos work here...let me know if it is fine for everyone ne...
Deliriumden is now following Kiiroi Namida
Sep 9, 2010
Deliriumden is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 9, 2010
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