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Chelsa DeMarchis
Fort Wayne, Indiana
In 2010, When I was only 34, I was diagnosed with stage III incasive ductal carcinoma. It returned in 2012 in my bones and liver.
Interests: Nowadays my interests revolve around getting as much family time as possible with my three favorite boys. I hope and pray that I will have many years to enjoy them - they are my world.
Recent Activity
The Lapper...
This week I had the honor of speaking at the Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana Lapper VIP party. This event is a wonderful event in that it gives the community the opportunity to "walk a mile (or more)" in the shoes of a cancer survivor. The goal of the event... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2013 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
I Believe...
This is just what I needed today. Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2013 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
It's a New Year...
WOW! it is crazy how fast time flies by - I can't believe that I haven't posted since December. Well, a lot has happened since my last post... Andrew turned 3 in January. I had my 2nd scan for the trial that I am participating and the results were not... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2013 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Christmas Blessings...
The past week has had me thinking alot about how much my life has changed since August... When we first got the news that my cancer has returned, it was our 9th anniversary - seriously, our appointment was on our anniversary. on that day, we were sure that our life... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
it's not a glamorous number. It's not a number that gets too much attention. but it a very important number - you can be sure of that. today is my 37th birthday. Happy Birthday to me! you see - when my girlfriends are perpetually turning 29, I am happy to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Being Thankful...
If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul. ~Rabbi Harold Kushner These past couple of weeks have been such a whirlwind that I forgot to post- So I will... Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
A few questions...
Why me? what have I done to deserve all this? these questions are almost always followed by a list of all the things that have gone wrong with ones life. I find myself constantly asking these questions. asking them in response to all the amazing things that I have been... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
My Goodness - a lot has happened since my last post. I would love to report that it has all been sunshine and roses but that just isn't the case. Now don't let that take you to a bad place...a ton of great things, no AMAZING things have transpired over... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
good times...
I am so happy to report that I made it through the week at work. Every day I felt a little better and the week ended on a high note. Saturday morning I participated in the 5th annual Fort 4 Fitness 4 mile run with my husband - we signed... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
If you read this blog from the beginning - you know that my first time around the block was more difficult emotionally than physically. I had chemotherapy on Wednesday and was back at work by Saturday. I refused to let cancer interfere with my daily life. ... this time though,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
speed bumps....
So the gal that was ordering my drugs for today forgot to order the Pertuzamab. It's a pretty new drug so they don't stock it - it only takes 24 hours to get it - but it wasn't here today. So after being at the doctor's office for three hours... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
finding clarity...
I have been doing a lot of soul searching these past few weeks. I am still angry but I think I am starting to find some peace. a couple of girlfriends came over last night to catch up - we cried a lot. we laughed a lot too. we talked... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Dan and I have been talking to Michael about what is happening. We had the cancer talk last week. Today, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Michael really was listening - We were at the dentist today and Michael was watching while I was in the chair. The hygenist... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
moving forward...
Why is it so hard to get the words to come out right this time? the last time we went through this I had no trouble finding something good to say - and you all know me, I am a firm believer in not saying anything if I can't say... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
A new chapter...
I honestly never thought I would be here again. I guess that the idea of it coming back has always been in the back of my mind, but our lives were back on track. I have a great new career, I am healthy, my kids are getting bigger by the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2012 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Chelsa DeMarchis has shared their blog Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Aug 25, 2012
Thanks, Erin. Never in a million years did I think household purchases would make my top ten for the year...I guess I am easily satisfied. HaHa!
Giving Thanks 2010...
This year has certainly been one for the record books for the DeMarchis household. Through everything bad that has happened, there have been so many more blessings. Here is my top ten list of 2010 (through Thanksgiving): 10. We FINALLY got a new computer...Dan got in line at 6am Friday to get a...
I met Val at a Matilda Jane party in June. It was two days after I found out that I had cancer. I didn't know why at the time, but I couldn't stop staring at her. There was just something about her. We started a conversation, mainly about our kids... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2010 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Chelsa DeMarchis is now following
Oct 13, 2010
Judy, sadly he doesn't like his photo taken.
Vanity - Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements. Have you ever thought about the true meaning of that word? I never really did until today. It seems that lately the only thing on my mind is how much weight I've gained. Forget the fact that I am putting toxic ch...
Hi Allison,
Thank you for your kind words. I often think about the people that have been involved in my care - from the first moment that I visited the doctor until now. I want you to know that I meant to send a note to the staff at The Imaging Center way back when, but it a bit hectic in the weeks that followed my diagnosis. I can't remember all of the names of the wonderful people that were involved in my care, but I want you to know that every moment I spent in the office and on the phone with someone there I felt like I was the only patient that was being seen, like my care was the only thing that mattered to whoever I was talking to - be it the receptionists or the technicians or the doctor. You ALL made the first steps of my journey a little easier. During my ultrasounds and mammogram and biopsy you all took the time to make me feel comfortable, you all put you arms around me when I felt more alone than I ever thought I could and Dr. Weber answered my questions with such honesty - I asked a TON of questions - probably more than he is used to. and Ellen made sure that I was ok enough to leave, I thank her for NOT believing me when I kept saying I was fine. You all have such a difficult job to do - I am grateful for The Imaging Center and for a team of doctors and technicians like all of you.
Off to a Good Start...
Today I started Round # 2 So good. No nausea, just a little tired - they gave me Benedryl so that is expected. The tumor is still shrinking - so I am very happy. Overall today was a good day. Hopefully the next 11 weeks will be just as good. Thank you Libby for sitting through the VER...
Vanity - Excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements. Have you ever thought about the true meaning of that word? I never really did until today. It seems that lately the only thing on my mind is how much weight I've gained. Forget the fact that... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2010 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Off to a Good Start...
Today I started Round # 2 So good. No nausea, just a little tired - they gave me Benedryl so that is expected. The tumor is still shrinking - so I am very happy. Overall today was a good day. Hopefully the next 11 weeks will be just as... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2010 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
Erin & Kathy,
Thank you so much for your encouraging words.
Thank you for your prayers. I have 12 more chemo treatments and I will be done at Thanksgiving - a new reason to be thankful this year - then we move on to decide surgery options, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
Home Again...
I am home!!! I know that you all were a little worried about me over the last couple of days, and I want you all to know that I am all right. the thing about being on chemo is that when there is a fever over 101 degrees, the doctor wants you to be admitted, or at least checked out to rule out ...
Home Again...
I am home!!! I know that you all were a little worried about me over the last couple of days, and I want you all to know that I am all right. the thing about being on chemo is that when there is a fever over 101 degrees, the doctor... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2010 at Breast Cancer - My Family's Journey
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