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Congrats on ten years! I love your blog, so I'm gonna try to comment more. :)
1 reply
Late to this post, but I gotta say, wow, love the packaging for this collection, especially the attention to detail! <3 I'm in my early 20s, but my parents still had a lot of cassette tapes and a cassette player around when I was a kid, so this is pretty cool to see haha. "I also think one commenter's musing that the collection might have been more palatable to the youth if it had included a record-shaped compact is hilarious - maybe those teenage hipsters who listen to records would have bought it" - I do agree that among my age group, records are far more popular than CDs or cassette tapes though, so maybe record-shaped compacts would have made the collection more popular to young people.
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I won't be getting anything, but the packaging for the eyeshadow is so cute! I've been really into records lately, so I jump on anything records-related.
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Demoisellegabi is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 12, 2018