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Aldo Dejesus
Recent Activity
Can the Youngster of an Unlawful Immigrant Stay in the United States Legally? Unlawful US immigration has posed a myriad of issues as the country tries to determine how you can deal with an increasingly hard and high-priced trouble. Amongst the questions are what really should be with illegal immigrant... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Aldo Dejesus's blog
Republicans to block the US citizenship Application for kids of unlawful aliens Senators strategy to halt 'invasion by birth canal' by overturning constitutional promise for anyone born on US soil Senior Republicans have escalated the increasingly bitter fight over US immigration with suggestions to rewrite the US constitution to block... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Aldo Dejesus's blog
E-2 Visa Holder- Filing the US Citizenship Application An E2 Work visa is given to people entering the us who prepare to invest in a company that they will likely be operating. In other words, this visa enables folks to arrive to the US and start new businesses, or buy... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Aldo Dejesus's blog
How to re-apply for U.S. passport There may be a number of reasons to fill out a US Passport Application. You cannot reject the fact that in some cases your application is summarily declined to be accepted because you may be ineligible for a US passport. Sometimes the reason may... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Aldo Dejesus's blog
US Dual Citizenship A dual citizenship status is one in which an individual is considered as a citizen as per the laws of both the nations offering citizenship. According to the U.S. Department of States (DOS) dual citizenship regulation, the Supreme Court of the U.S. has recognized dual citizenship and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Aldo Dejesus's blog
The US Citizenship Application through Naturalization and Eligibility Naturalization could be defined as a process by which an individual who is not born in the U.S. acquires a U.S. citizenship. For an individual to become eligible for naturalization, he or she should fulfill the requirements as mentioned in the Immigration... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Aldo Dejesus's blog
If you are intending to immigrate to the Usa, then you should know a little more about the bureau citizenship and US immigration services (USCIS) in the US which handles immigration relevant issues. More specifically, it is called the USCIS (Usa Citizenship and Immigration Services. Being advised regarding the bureau... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2010 at Aldo Dejesus's blog
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Nov 3, 2010