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Paul Denlinger
Recent Activity
Think that these privacy issues will continue to persist as long as Mark Zuckerberg is at the helm in FB. Basically, he doesn't not believe in privacy, and has said so many times. Very much like many governments in this respect.
All his moves to "protect privacy" are just so many small tactical concessions to mollify criticism, and then when he thinks things have quieted down, he goes back to doing what he did before, which is coming up with new ways to bundle and sell users' data.
Of course, this is not unusual. many US politicians and business people are same way. They are all basically sociopaths. So why should we expect Mark Zuckerberg to be any different? American has a long fine tradition of putting sociopaths in charge, then acting with dismay and outrage when they do outrageous things.
More problems in Facebookistan
UPDATE: Click here to read the response to this post by Facebook's Barry Schnitt, Director, Policy Communications, followed by reactions from others, including Rafik Dammak whose account suspension is discussed in this post. Privacy is only one many problems eroding users' trust in Facebook. Don...
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May 13, 2010
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