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the selby does asos
Have you seen this Campaign Todd Selby shot for ASOS? It's called Models Own and he supposedly shot the pictures in the models' own homes, which explains the connection between him and the brand (otherwise it would be pretty random... Don't you think?). I adore ASOS because A. they have pretty...
I'm in ;)
design crush: the giveaway
Remember how I praised architect/interior designer David Easton last week? Remember how his design philosophy sang to my heart? Remember how I said I couldn't wait to lay my hands on his book, Timeless Elegance? Well, if you needed further proof to what I wrote there, here it is: Mr. Easton ...
You know I love it! ;)
lust list: slytherin'
Day-dreaming, doodling and can't stop rambling? It must be lust. So yeah, after I imagined each and every piece of furniture in this house in faux python decoupage, pinned images religiously and squealed with every google find, I'm admitting this: I fell in love with faux python and it feels o...
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Nov 2, 2010
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