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Destiny Church
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Posted Apr 26, 2010 at Chick-fil-a World Records
Destiny Church is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Welcome to our new Production Dept blog!
This will be a great place for us to post videos, access training materials, and a ton of other things that I can't think of right now! Blah, blah, blah! Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2010 at Destiny Church Production Department
Destiny Church is now following Cubadav
Nov 27, 2009
What a great idea!
BTW, Not sure if it's a browser issue or what, but I don't see any "play" to click... Can someone help a brother out?
No Cash? No Problem.
Walk into any church and ask this question of the people around you: "Do you carry cash?" For those who are younger than 40, I'm guessing you'll find that a large percentage either don't carry any cash--or they carry very little. I became more aware of this in a conversation a few months ago wi...
Like it... the statistics info is not working (Mac OS) - Either won't load, hates macs, or it's my error.
Give us your feedback
Thanks for trying the All New TypePad. Whether you'd like to give us your overall impression, report a bug, or suggest a new feature, we want to know what you think. You can also send feedback by email. While we may not reply to every piece of feedback, rest assured that we read absolutely ever...
It's funny how the "reached" are always the ones complaining about methods.
No Apologies
It's been over a year, and I continue to see bloggers referring to Granger's reveal results. It is amazing to me the conclusions that have been made, but I'm learning to just smile and move on. Most recently, this was left as a comment on a previous post: "For example, look at Granger’s results ...
(BTW, that last "destinychurch" comment was me (Mark)...
Pressing In
Since returning from the States, I feel like I have been lacking in identity here in Paris. It is amazing to experience the contrast of being amongst my home church, family, and friends compared with being in a culture in which I hardly fit. I am reminded, DAILY, of the struggles that come ...
Hey Scott! Did you see that Bobby Gruenewald from is going to be in Paris and wants to meet up with church leaders in the area? I think it's on June 12th. Here a link:
Pressing In
Since returning from the States, I feel like I have been lacking in identity here in Paris. It is amazing to experience the contrast of being amongst my home church, family, and friends compared with being in a culture in which I hardly fit. I am reminded, DAILY, of the struggles that come ...
Dude, how 'bout sending some of the sunlight over here!
Mike and Renae
Another beautiful day in Paris
Riding metro line 6 to meet some friends for dinner, I couldn't help but grab this pic from my phone of the Eiffel Tower. It is stunningly gorgeous weather in Paris today, maybe 75F or 24C, it's just awesome. Tonight, I am meeting with a couple of friends who have become quite dear to me. Nikolaj...
Tim, you're the man. I don't know how you guys do it. Constantly creating onramps for people to discuss and meet Jesus... and then having to constantly explain things to people who've already met Him. You're good peeps, and I pray for you to keep on keepin' on bro! ;)
When a Man Loves a Woman
A fun way for married couples to consider how he can get her in the mood. This dramatic video, featuring Mark and Kem Meyer, was used during Granger's Sex for Sale series week #2.
I've always loved skating, but turning and/or stopping have never been my strong suits... kinda makes the experience less than the best...
Have a great time buddy! It's great to see your face!
Paris on wheels
With the need for exercise ticking at my thoughts and the gorgeous spring days of Paris calling to me, I decided to pick up a pair of inline skates to experience the city in a whole new way. Donning the proper protective gear on my wrists, I have taken on the task of learning to rollerblade in th...
Enjoy the journey... know that you are loved... know that you are safe... know that your church has you on our hearts and in our prayers... and don't eat too much hippopotamus. (from your facebook comment on having eaten hippo)
We love you buddy - We're proud of you!
Pastor Mike and Family
Do I write about this?
My mind has been stuck, for a while now, in this window that is six months from here. I keep thinking that I can't really write about this conundrum, as there are just too many different collections of people that read this blog. It's a trap that I fall into more often than not, I try to manag...
We miss you too...
Pastor Mike and Family
My phone screen
Well I have a TON of catching up to do since returning back from our ski conference in Les Paccots. I wrote a gazillion emails today, and have as many to write tomorrow (and a thousand phone calls to make too!). So I should get back to posting regularly SOON. Until then, check out the new screen ...
too cool. miss you man. i enjoyed hearing stories from mike and jamez about your adventure. talk to you soon
A gorgeous night
Sitting on the steps to the Opera at Bastille, I wait for a rendevouz with a dear friend for dinner. The cool night air seems a if it should be colder, but it's actually quite pleasant. Even a few stars are showing themselves on this hint-of-spring night in Paris. It's nights like this, and momen...
wow that looks great
Centre Georges Pompidou avec Post
Centre Georges Pompidou, originally uploaded by scottmocha. Ahhh, the wonders of CaptureFX2 (the original image should be in the post following this one (above it.)
Can you bring your talk (or a copy of it) to Broken Arrow for the staff of Destiny to hear? I bet it's gonna be off the hook!
Creativity is the natural result of Spirituality
Next week, a large chunk of C3Paris will be headed to the mountains of Switzerland for a five day ski camp. For me personally, this is a really big deal, as I get to see some dear friends from home, and share a few days, moments, hugs, and stories with them. It will be refreshing, I am certai...
Great Angles, that new cameria takes great low light pics...
Walking tonight
Great Pic.. love it i have missed those sweet photos of yours
Back in the saddle again
This week has not been too generous in terms of available time, but today I finally got a few minutes to test out a new camera and new method of shooting. It was such a blessing to have a camera wrapped back around my neck, and through the ability to jockey between currencies around here, I ac...
So where's the link love? Give us some links to some good house music!! :)
Mark Collier
House Music
It's really a shame that more people don't get into house music. For those of you who don't know, house is what many of you refer to as "techno" although it isn't techno, it's house. House generally has a 4/4 beat, runs between 120 and 130 bpm (beats per minute) and often has a soulful vocal...
We are so glad you are feeling better... keep it up and take care of yourself!
P. Mike and Family
Where'd it go?
Alright, so I have been in Paris 2.5 months, and in that time, I have apparently lost FOUR INCHES from my waistline. My Mother (thanks Mom) actually had to send me some new pants, as all the ones I brought with me were just too big! Now isn't that AWESOME? To top it all off, many of you kno...
The police brought me to church (most know this). I was seventeen and in a world of hurt and was "given" an opportunity to get part of my life back through community service. Embarrassed and overwhelmed, an awesome group of people gave me a second chance at a local church. The police brought be to church, the love I was shown brought me back, God got a hold of me there, and the chance to see God do the same to others is what it's all about for me at our church. You're awesome Mocha - wow do we miss you!
Pastor Mike, Renae, and your Destiny Family
The Relevance of Church (part two)
A couple of days ago, I wrote part one of this "series" (that is a joke) and I have really struggled as to how to proceed with part two. I literally feel like I could write forever about how critical of a role the church played in my growth as a Christian, as a man, and as a human being... The...
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