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Aged gouda is so accessible and I love that it can sometimes have parmesan-like crystals. Yum crunch
Things I Love: Just Say Howda
If there's a cheese that's easier to love than aged Gouda, I have yet to encounter it. It has such a sweet seductive flavor and soft fudgy texture that it practically purrs. This L'Amuse Signature Gouda is hand-aged by affineur Betty Koster in her cheese shop in Santpoort-Noord. Think butte...
What was the texture like? It has a luscious ooze.
Things I Love
A Truly Fantastic Cheese Stopped into Talbott & Arding in Hudson yesterday, one of my favorite food shops on the planet. "You have to try this," said Kate Arding, handing me a taste of Ledyard, a cheese I'd never heard of. The cheese was softly seductive, and then my mouth flooded with surp...
I had this same, very expensive experience for the first time a few months ago. By the end, I would have given them any amount they wanted. Being around people striving for excellence is an inspiration.
My Surprise Dinner at Per Se
"Where should we meet for a drink near Columbus Circle?" we asked each other, ticking off the possibilities. We thought about Porter House, Stone Rose, Jean Georges. We considered going up to Lincoln or Bar Boulud. But it was just a drink, and so in the end we opted for Per Se. After all, t...
I love how you combined education, story telling and personal beliefs in such a short space. It's such a pleasant way to learn and you make it look easy.
Dinner Last Night
On Thursday night, after a cocktail party for Book Expo, I found myself wandering the Columbus Circle Whole Foods supermarket in search of something to cook for dinner. I looked at the soft shell crabs, but they seemed sad and exhausted. The steamer clams looked tempting, but I decided to peruse...
"Revels in it's piscine nature," what a lovely line.
Tokyo in Manhattan
The most elegant Japanese lady (and I use that word advisedly) urged me to try Donguri on the upper east side. It's not a part of town I often eat in, and last night, looking for a place near hospital row I suddenly remembered how much I liked the last meal I had there.. It's an odd restauran...
Ramp leaves are so tender. I love the way they feel on my teeth. What a pleasure to find them in the wild.
Ramp It Up
Ramps are the first green vegetable to emerge from the ground each year, nudging aside dried layers of last fall’s leaves. This past weekend, when they appeared, the first swatch of green in our relentlessly brown landscape, the mere sight of them made me happy. Yesterday, walking in the wood...
I completely forgot about the Jean Georges lunch. It's totally back on the list. Thanks for the reminder!
24 hours: Three Great Meals
New York My friend Nancy blew into town yesterday, raving about the food she ate in Israel. In her words, "every meal was jump up and down delicious." I've never heard her so excited. It seemed like the perfect time for a trip to Bar Bolonat. I was captured with the first bite: fried olives...
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May 5, 2015
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