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A solution to a problem that doesn't exist, nor is anyone asking for.
IPG to demo Flameless Ceramic Turbine for clean, off-grid power in EV charging
Intelligent Power Generation (IPG) will demonstrate the impact of Flameless Ceramic Turbine technology in UK electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure, following a £1-million contract from Highways England. IPG secured the £1 million as part of the Highways England (HE) and Innovate UK’s £2...
Where does the hydrogen come from?
10th retail hydrogen station opens in SF Bay area
The tenth retail hydrogen station has opened in the San Francisco Bay Area. The True Zero station, developed by First Element, will be open 24 hours a day and is located at 350 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA. The station will be supplied by liquid hydrogen and have a capacity of more than 800 ki...
About time.
More than 100 Blue Bird electric school buses have been ordered so far; Cummins electric drive
More than 100 electric school buses, powered by a Cummins fully electric drivetrain, have been ordered to date from Blue Bird Corporation, a school bus manufacturer highly focused on alternative fuel technologies. Blue Bird electric buses are already operating in California, North Dakota and ...
This will never be a better efficiency than putting that electricity into a battery.
So why do it?
Danish team electrifies steam-methane reforming for greener approach to hydrogen production
Researchers from the Technical University of Denmark and Haldor Topsoe, with colleagues from the Danish Technological Institute and Sintex have developed a “disruptive approach to a fundamental process” by integrating an electrically heated catalytic structure directly into a steam-methane–refor...
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May 24, 2019
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