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D. Coleman
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D. Coleman shared a video on YouTube
at Post the Love
Feb 22, 2010
D. Coleman is now following jenna dewan tatum
Feb 14, 2010
D. Coleman added a photo at Post the Love
Feb 6, 2010
lol yeah my girlfriend Jessica is like that too... she can look at anything and can find a way to make it remind her of us...I'm thankful for that because I think about her too.... then when we get into a little fight, I'm like look honey, its a sign... and it saves our relationship every time...i thank God for that... its like an angel drops a hint for us.
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Wow you're right Chan ... life works in mysterious ways, and I can't believe people didn't know or didn't see that Chan is a very talented person until something crazy happens to him, them every one pays attention, so i totally understand your comment, its like love... sometimes we don't appreciate it until it's gone or until something happens that makes us pay attention... you are even more genius than i thought.
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D. Coleman shared a video on YouTube
at Post the Love
Feb 3, 2010
D. Coleman is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 3, 2010
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Posted Feb 3, 2010 at Dewayne Coleman's blog
D. Coleman is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 3, 2010
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