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Discussion this morning overheard between Antonio and Harris: Antonio: "I found a piece of a dragon Lego! We should find all the pieces and rebuild it!" Harris: "Ok, here's the directions, and it says we have to find 256 pieces to build it." Antonio: "Well, I have 2 pieces." Harris: "Let's try for 3 days to find all the pieces." Antonio: "Why 3 days?" Harris: "Well, people say 'Third Time's a Charm' so i think we try for 3 days and that will be a charm." Antonio: "But 3 days?" Harris: "Yes, and people say 3 is a magic number... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2018 at So Shoe Me
Can we take a moment to look at the women at the bottom with the super high rise jeans with the zipper that is going to take a week to zip up like in the 90210 days? Are they advising us to tuck in an blouse our shirts? Do I need to go digging through the attic for my sweet Vuarnet T-shirt from CRAZY SHIRT that I got at Pier 39 that Summer that I bought in a size XL even though I weighed 115 lbs? Just. No. Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2016 at So Shoe Me
I'll do my year end holiday wrap up soon. But for today, boys have their first Valentines party at school and they practiced writing their names on their valentines bags. Harris added a few extra "R"s probably making up for that Christmas card year when he had a missing one. Harris also tried to work on his middle name "Matthew" Lawrence is going with a deconstructed name thing. Antonio was so proud and would like to keep all the valentines for himself. Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2016 at So Shoe Me
Overheard in the boys room as they were waking up. Antonio: Blue Harris: Yellow Lawrence: Red [I walk in...] Harris: Mommy - we're playing a rainbow game, we each take a turn and name the next color in the rainbow. [heart melts] Lawrence: Purple Harris: [walks over to Lawrence's bed stands over him and yells] NO!!! It's not time for purple! Lawrence: no no no no no... i'm not saying it's next, I'm just saying don't forget purple. It's Mima's favorite. Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Sitting outside on the lawn, eating snacks with the boys, watching them play between snacks... Antonio: I have an idea! I'm going inside for ice cream. Me: No. We don't need ice cream Antonio: I'll just go check Me: No, we don't even have any. Antonio: Maybe I check for popsicles. Me: No, we don't have any and we are outside right now. Antonio: [opens door to house... starts to go inside] Me: Antonio. What are you doing? Antonio: I doing nothing. [continues opening door to house] Me: No you need to come here, not going inside right now. Antonio:... Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Well, the whole summer has gone by and I haven't done a monthly update for the boys, our trip to Rio and now everyone is starting school! Amelia 5th Grade Amelia - You had your first overnight camp this summer, did a fashion and accessories camp, got the part of Piglet in Winnie the Pooh at Woodland Opera House and got started on rehearsals which you love. I can't believe you're starting 5th grade! It seems like just yesterday you were starting at a new school. You still have your great group of friends at Pioneer. Almost the same crew... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2015 at So Shoe Me
AMELIA Amelia - my fun, confident girl. You hiked for 5 hours and were a trooper. You only complained at the end when we got to a winery and they only had juice in a box which didn't seem fancy enough for what you had earned. You're teaching yourself to knit - you love your brothers so much. We've underplanned your summer just so you can spend more time with them. ANTONIO Antonio - you're enjoying the summer. You love swimming lessons, but hate that you have to wait until your brothers are done to have your turn. You love... Continue reading
Posted Jun 30, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Silly times and silly faces before bed Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2015 at So Shoe Me
My father in law turned 80 this week. We didn't take the whole clan out to NY for his surprise party, but we did make several attempts to send a nice photo along with Mike. This series of photo tells the story. Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Boys - I cannot believe you are three. From this: (One of the millions of great photos taken during my boys first year by Leslie Callan of Green Vintage Photography) To this: To this: To This: From this: To this! ANTONIO You have gotten very attached lately - want to be wherever mommy is. You love to play cars, and stickers and color. You love SuperWhy on TV and wear a cape and run around yelling SuperWhy saves the day! You love going out and about with mommy or daddy and you are usually best behaved when it's just one... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Conversation at dinner: Antonio: (crying because I took his shoes off) Lawrence: why is he so loud and crying? Antonio: DONT TALK TO ME! Lawrence: I'm not talking to you I'm talking to mommy. Antonio: (screams) Lawrence: don't be sad pretend you're a dinosaur Antonio: I NOT A DINOSAUR Lawrence: (laughs at antonio). You're a sad crying dinosaur Antonio: (screams louder) Harris: maybe you would feel better if you put a carrot in your nose like this? (Puts 2 baby carrots in his nose) !!!! Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Harris (crying): No Antonio, you're in my space. Antonio: I like you. I like your space. Harris (getting louder): Nooooo this is MY SPACE! Lawrence: Ok ok ok ok ok .... waaaaait a minute. What's going on here? Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Recovering from vacation and taxes means I'm on a shopping ban. So, I'll just post here the things that cannot be mine this month. These Tods sandals are over $600 so even on a non-shopping ban month I don't think I could justify them - but so cute. Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Three years ago today I was counting down my last month to these boys being born. One month before delivery Three weeks before delivery Two weeks before delivery - and we had a birthday Last few posts before birth Final stretch I can't believe we are one month away from these boys' birthday. The boys have become such a cute tight knit group. If one of them wakes up before the others, when the other two wake up they are so upset that there is a missing brother. They will go to his bed and I'll hear them over the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Amelia - your birthday was last week and you are 10! Double digits - I can't believe it. I have delayed on writing your post, because I am in a little bit denial that my baby is 10. As I snuggled you the night of your birthday and told you how I couldn't believe you were getting so big and you were already 10 - you did NOT make me feel better when you told me "well, at least I'm not 30, mom!" Amelia birthday - my little peanut. I brought you home and just stared at you for hours... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2015 at So Shoe Me
The boys are getting close to 3 now, getting used to big boy beds, asking to use the bathroom, and generally getting to be much easier to go out and about with. We took a day trip to SF last weekend to go to the Academy of Science and it was a major success. A good solid 3 1/2- 4 hours of walking around, aquarium, lunch, and play. The boys love working on activities together - painting, and anything you call a "project". They also love to walk down to the end of our street and look for polllywogs and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Posted Feb 10, 2015 at So Shoe Me
What says Happy Birthday better than a cliche? Unle Boff, Jeffy, Heffy, Baby J, Middle Bro - I hope your birthDay is everything a Rockstar like you deserves. FUN FACTS ABOUT JEFF He laughed out loud when he was just days old (mom). Jeff once texted me the following: My plans to rock you like a hurricane have been downgraded to a tropical depression. (Stephanie) He met and married someone who allowed him to post things like this on Facebook “Girlfriend came home to find out she had mice. At least it wasn’t crabs.” When he was five years old... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2015 at So Shoe Me
Our neighbor Tracy came over the other day to fly her drone for the boys and they were entranced!!!! Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2015 at So Shoe Me
ANTONIO Oh you are getting so much better at talking and articulating. You sing all the time. You love to do puzzles, you pick a puzzle you love, and you will do it over and over. You did a zoo puzzle three times last week, and spent over an hour doing it over and over again. You do the alphabet puzzle, at least 30 times a day, and you sing the whole time you're doing your puzzle. You were furious when they took down the Christmas tree. You spent the whole time saying "NO! My tree! No! My ball!" No!... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2015 at So Shoe Me
We've had a busy holiday season so far of parties and dinners. Christmas eve we spent with our friends Julie and Glenn - truly so lucky to have friends who open their beautiful homes to our wrecking crew. College students coloring with toddlers - not much cuter than this. Upon arrival at Julie & Glenn's the boys began to destroy play carefully with ornaments and christmas decorations. Cupcakes for dinner: After the sugar meltdown we settled into watching movies on the couch with grandma. Changed into elf PJs and checked out the tree: bribed them with a second round of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2014 at So Shoe Me
We were invited to our friends annual kids holiday party. It is a fun event with elves singing songs, and Santa and crafts. Last year (click for the link) we went and everyone had a good time but no one is still really interested in sitting with Santa except Lawrence. Since everyone is all dressed up in their holiday cutest, I try to get some good photos - but seriously, my photos are like an advertisement for why I always hire Leslie Callan whenever I want photos of the people I made to turn out good. In disbelief that I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2014 at So Shoe Me
The best thing about living down the block from our neighborhood clubhouse is the activities they have for kids. Gingerbread house decorating is usually such a spectacular mess, I love that we swoop in - everything's ready for us - we have dinner and wine, leave with our houses and leave the mess behind. At first Lawence was suspicious of the white stuff He tested it and confirmed it to be delicious. The boys certainly had their share of sugar that night! Harris covered his house with candy canes. Antonio, was as methodical and thoughtful as ever covering every inch... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2014 at So Shoe Me
Oops - 31 months came and went boys! Holidays and crazyiness got the better of us and I'm just catching up now. The last few weeks have been spent going to various holiday events - we're so lucky that we have friends that invite my whole crew to their house. The boys first visit with Santa this year was at the Chistmast party for the Children's Therapy Center. They were cautious and refused to sit in his lap, but were willing to give a high five, and take a candy cane and a gift. They also got to play on... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2014 at So Shoe Me