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I'm actual size, but I seem much bigger to me.
Interests: I like stuff.
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Mar 15, 2010
Wow! He looks so...big boy now! Such a happy guy--are you sure this is the same baby who gave you grief in the early months?
Fantastic new pic of you as well. Y'all look fantastic.
5 Months
You are my sunshine.
You two look like you were made for each other! Beautiful.
8wks Post Partum
Almost 8wks. Here we are. Bonus shot - this kid is the bomb.
Someone soften up the catcher's mitt!
I love the redesign. This must mean you're nesting, which I didn't do--but my hubby did.
36 Weeks
Holy shit!
I'm going out on a limb to say that _______ Cooper/Alexander will be an October baby, October 1st, in fact. He'll be a 9-lb., 7 oz. badass!
Fingers crossed...
34 Weeks
Not much change here...but certainly feeling larger. I'm rockin' it at about 140lbs now. 22lbs of baby junk. Good times. My braxton hicks contractions are getting more and more uncomfortable. When I get them at night and attempt to move during them, it hurts. Not in a crampy sort of ...
The perfect kid laptop should automatically shut down after 45 minutes of usage, because that is the maximum amount of time a kid can be connected to video stimulation without turning into an irritable pain in the ass when you try to pull them away.
From the design to the features, what should the perfect kid-friendly laptop include? What would you leave out?
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That belly screams "boy"! I have the biggest crush on my boy, who is now 6 (or "thikth" as he would say).
You look fabulous, as you have in all your pics.
I second the bath idea. I'm still amazed at how the warm water relieved the pain of contractions.
Stay healthy & strong!
Whoa Nelly. The 32wk Dinner Plate Report.
I am 32wks and 3days pregnant. On the whole, I feel pretty darn good. I will say though, I had no idea ones areolas could get so large. Is this so the baby knows where to focus? My friend Amy has been inquiring for months now 'Have your Kenyan nipples come in'? Girlfriend, I could host a te...
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