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Diary of a penny pincher
Birmingham, England
Attempting to live well, cheaply!
Interests: Hi, I'm Claire, I am a chicken keeping, rock music loving, charity shop addicted forty something, and I live with my musician partner near Cadburys chocolate factory in Birmingham, England. We live in a Victorian house, and enjoy eating and drinking home made produce, thrifty shopping (well, I do!), rock concerts, holidays in beautiful countryside and National Trust/English Heritage days out. I also love taking photos, all the photos on my blog are my own, unless otherwise stated (if I am in them then OH has probably taken the pic!)
Recent Activity
Yes, after many years on Typepad, and many problems, I'm off over to Blogger. You can find my new blog here See you over there! Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Thanks for your comment, Curtise. Yes, can't wait to get back to regular charity shop mooching soon! xx
Yes, I've been in proper shops again! Took the car out today for a short drive and popped into a large Poundland, love all the Jane Asher baking stuff they have, it looks great! They didn't have anything in her range that I really needed, but I did spy these... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
I'm going slightly stir crazy, stuck in a funny position with my back and doing a lot of grumbling with the accompanying sciatica. I'm absolutely allergic to daytime telly, awful rubbish that it is, and I don't read fiction so am spending time planning how to do what I need... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Thanks Curtise! Thankfully I'm saving money this week as I can't get out! The up-side to having a bad back (which is getting better slowly, thanks!)xxx
Image a great bargain, whether I need it or not! We are just one week in to June and I already have an armful of charity shop purchases under my belt, and am £9 poorer. I did manage to get a few useful things, like leisure pants, one pair were... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Thanks for your comment, Vix. I'm working on the sheet as we speak, well part of it, it's huge! Congrats on the place in the final!! xx
Glad you like my bargains, Curtise! I was in magpie mode last month, so many things and all that! Must try and cut back but if nice things are there to be bought, and the price is right...well, you just gotta buy! xx
Well, it has certainly been a bumper month in the charity shops round here! Think I've gone and spent a good old fortune, good job I am selling unwanted house bits and loft finds on ebay to make the money! This is part two of this month's purchases, part one... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
I've been confined to the house from lunchtime onwards due to constant drizzle, and an overgrown and wet garden. The grass is now thigh high to a bantam, and every time I attempt to leave by the back door, I am accosted by all size and manner of shrubbery. A... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Thank you, Vix. I hope the weather warms up a bit now, so I can get some wear out of it! xx
Thank you, Curtise! I'm dreadful at spending money, so it was nice to find something pretty and useful to buy with my vouchers! Glad to see you had a great reunion weekend! xx
Hi Sharon, thank you for helping me decide what to spend my vouchers on! It was a pleasure to give you a mention! xx
Well, you know me, there has to be a twist somewhere. I am a complete stranger to the High Street, and it to me. So, to renew an old aquaintance I set off with my daysaver ticket and popped into Birmingham City Centre. I confess, I did have a purse... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Thank you, Curtise! After 32 years knowing what suits me in the office I'm having to re-think my now full time casual wardrobe. It will take time I'm sure, but if I can end up just half as elegant as you I will be happy! xx
Toggle Commented May 17, 2014 on And breathe! at Diary of a penny pincher
Today was time for a getaway. Time to relax, recharge and refresh. We took ourselves over to one of our favourite local National Trust places, Coughton Court. Magnificent, isn't it? Read about it here and here. We packed a picnic bag full of sausage rolls, cakes, fruit and a flask... Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
A quick post to share a mega bargain from the local Co-op. Yes, look at the price, I couldn't believe it, 15p each!! I need a lie down, or a large gin, or both! Thank you, Mr Co-op. Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Hi ladies, thanks for your comments! Hi Curtise, the top is more of a khaki in real life, but you saying it looks metallic (which it does) maybe I'll try it with a few things before attempting to (ruin) dye it. Sometimes, seeing something in a different light, and a different pair of eyes, gives you a whole new outlook! xx Hi Sharon, thanks so much for popping by, glad you like my haul, and agree with my plans for the fleece. I might pop a bit of elastic in a the waist to give it a bit of shape too. Not bad finds for only half the month! xx
I've had a few more great charity shop buys in the past week or so, since the sunny golden bracelet, and thought you might like to see them. First up, over in Bromsgrove, where they have a good selection of chazzas to choose from, I found this lurking on the... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
After watching the most dismal Eurovision line-up in years (won by one of the few half decent songs on offer this year, in my humble opinion), I was compelled to trawl through Youtube to find my favourite winner. Unfortunately that is rather addictive and I ended up spending way too... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Aww, thanks Vix! I'm badgering Typepad but not getting anywhere, think the blog may have to move! xx
Toggle Commented May 11, 2014 on A golden sunny day! at Diary of a penny pincher
Thanks for commenting, Curtise. Glad you like the bracelet, OH was not so kind, he doesn't like gold! Everything lush down here too, only downside is mowing the lawn, there's just too much for the chickens to get through on their own! xx
Toggle Commented May 9, 2014 on A golden sunny day! at Diary of a penny pincher
Thought I would start the week with a catchy little ditty I've been humming a lot lately. You may recognise it from the ad by a certain energy company, you know the one with the dancing poo, erm, glowworm! The Cars - Just what I needed Such a shame that... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
Well, despite the awful weather, it is golden and sunny on my wrist anyway! I had to pop out to the Post Office today, it's a long trek so more of an expedition than just 'popping' anywhere, but hey. A mile long walk taking in the local park in the... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher
I thought I would do a round up of all the lovely things I have managed to snaffle from the charity shops this month. I have tried to be thoughtful in my purchases, I don't want someone else's clutter becoming my clutter too! Unfortunately, as you can see from all... Continue reading
Posted Apr 29, 2014 at Diary of a penny pincher