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Can the commentators who go by the names "Tayong" (Typekey profile and "Katakata" (Typekey Profile please get in touch with me with regards to an ongoing commemorative project on Bate Besong?
They can reach me at [email protected]
Sorry folks for using this thread to reach these individuals.
The Southern Cameroons Restoration Government Releases its First Public Statement
In its first public statement since its creation late last year, the Restoration Government of the British Southern Cameroons has, through its President Prof. Carlson Anyangwe, responded to questions about its authenticity and rationale. The statement also addresses other issues such as the cont...
From "Africa Confidential" Vol 46 Number 20, 7th October 2005.
Post haste
On 4 October the Post newspaper of Cameroon published a front-page story alleging corrupt links between Social Democratic Front leader Ni John Fru Ndi and President Paul Biya. The story, written by Post reporter Clovis Atatah, cites a forged document 'allegedly based on an investigation by Africa Confidential'. This is completely false and Atatah and Editor in Chief Charly Ndi Chia now accept that their newspaper was duped. AC is not investigating Mr Fru Ndi nor has it circulated any documents accusing him of corrupt links with President Biya.
Africa Confidential Refutes Story On "Billions In Fru Ndi's London Account"
By Francis Wache In our Monday, October 3 publication, we carried a story titled, “Billions in Fru Ndi’s Account?” (The Post No. 0705, Monday, October 3, 2005), in which we reported that the Chairman of the SDF, Mr. John Fru Ndi, allegedly owns foreign accounts totalling billions of francs.The ...
BB a coward? Then you definitely don't know what you're talking about or know very little about BB. I will advise you to read more about the "obasinjom warrior" at
The Irresistible Rise Of Njeuma
By Bate Besong The sort of politicised tribalism that you practised during your long and ruinous stay on the Buea Campus (1988 - 2005) remains the greatest threat to national peace and stability.Although you take refuge in "motion de soutien to His Excellency Paul Biya and Madam Chantal Biya", y...
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