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Dicer79 is now following Bbtballer
Mar 3, 2011
It's been real LEGACY!
WOD-12:59 (no shoes)
7:05 seconds off of LEGACY time a month ago!
My wife took 7 minutes off of her last time as well!
Goodbye Legacy
Goodbye cruel WOD inspiring vehicle! Today we're going back to a workout we did a month ago. February 2nd to be exact. Let's see how much better we've gotten in the last 30 something days. 7 Rounds: 155/95 5 Burpee Deadlift 3 Burpee Power Clean 1 Burpee Clean and Thruster You should be using...
Great set of WOD's this week so far, my shoulders are feeling it for sure.
WOD time: 14:21
Thanks for the motivation!
Make you want to jump
Warm Up Knee in Corner Stretch 2 min @ Calf Stretch Contract Relax then Snatch Jump x 5 empty bar Snatch High Pull x 5 empty bar Power Snatch x 5 empty bar ***************************************** Skill/Strength Hang Power Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 60 sec rest *******************...
Dicer79 is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 2, 2011
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