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David Cohn
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Mar 15, 2010
@Ryan You got it EXACTLY. If you have to fake the funk, then you've lost. But if it is something you believe in - then let that show. It is "personal branding" but really... "it's just an electronic representation or extension of your physical life." Rock!
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Gerard wins 10-journo points!!!!! The quote is from Empire Records - and it WAS the stoner guy.
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@Patricia Gibson YOU WIN 50 JOURNO POINTS!!!! Thank you for actually reading the post - you rock.
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@smeade True - but when the cost of owning a printing press has fallen to nearly zero..... then knowing how to operate it is analgous to owning it. On the web that is the case: The cost has fallen to where most people can play - if they know how. But many (myself included) don't REALLY know how. I fall strongly into the 2nd category.
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Officially the most comments I've ever received on a post!!!
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@Martin - that's fine. Just hire me later ;)
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@Daniel I would love to open up. But I work from home. But hey - anyone is welcome ;) As I said above: I've considered setting up shop at a cafe and just making it known that people can drop by. But I don't have the capital to really create anything solid. As I said - this requires a lot of startup capital - but I think could yield something sustainable. The WaPo is somewhat floated by the other activities of the company that owns it. Perhaps cafe's could float the journalism of a newsroom cafe?
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@Barry - very true. I work from home. But have often thought of just taking a coffee shop and getting into a routine there so that if people are in the area - they can expect to find me there. Alas.... I enjoy making my own tea.
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Mathew and Jason Thanks for the links. I suspected that this was something that other people have thought/talked about. I really do think it has potential to be a small, but thriving side business for news organizations. And although not directly - I think it could have a positive influence on the reporting.
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I don't disagree at all..... Damn... I thought I had solved it all!!!
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Tim I totally agree. I have no idea if this would bode well with traditional journalism sensibilities. But I do think it would create communities that are engaged in civic discussion. To me that word "engage" is becoming more and more important. That's what good journalism should do - it should engage. At the very least with a comment. But to me - that's why it should be a process. To Aron: I agree - no single nonprofit would probably match the NY Times. But imagine if the Red Cross started reporting on issues of homelessness. If the Boys and Girls Club took on youth issues. If City of Hope began doing medical reporting on cancner. Again: None of them on their own would match the NY Times or would they have the breadth of even a modest metro paper now. I would never claim that. But I do think in aggregate - they would engage people in various civic discussions and keep us informed.
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In an even sweeter twist of irony it appears comments aren't working on... just this post (slaps head). I'll try and figure out what the problem is here. In the meantime, I did get this comment into my system from David Mathison from "Be the Media" that was supposed to be public if my site hadn't eaten it. "Love your attitude "Anyone can take the code for Spot.Us and create their own version of it!," and I think your approach is right on, allowing others to use the open source code for and launch their own community funded reporting projects, including existing news organizations. Thanks for sharing, and listening and learning as you go along. Good luck in your efforts David!"
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It is overslimplified - but it wasn't me who conflated them. They both are referenced in the book "History of the News" - granted the book transitions between the two much better than I do (I just sorta lump them in) - but after reading the chapter on the book that discusses them - they both come from the same tradition - although somewhat altered in the United States Colonial times - "town criers" are the direct news decedents of minstrels.
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I'm working on it!!! I do think one of the reasons why the prices are high between cities right now is that there is no competition.
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@Garrett In abstract I agree with you. But note you write: "Supporters for Bush in '04, or any of the Republican candidates in this latest go-round, could have used Drupal for their projects" COULD HAVE being the operative word. None of them did. I only found one large conservative community even using Drupal. On the left however it is pervasive. Technology is just a tool - but different tools are used by different cultures (think aboriginal instruments). So yes. Drupal has been politicized.
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Thanks for all the encouraging words everyone. Steve Outing - You rock! I am a big fan. I think today I'm going to try a Gary V inspired video rant post.
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Wil Thanks for the note. YOU ROCK!!! I'm hoping Spot.Us will expand into other regions soon. I think you are based in LA and that may be our next target. But first: The SF Bay Area. I strongly believe that journalism needs to stay strong to support our local democracies - and that's the goal. With the public's help - I think journalism could become even stronger than it was in its golden years. Best David Cohn
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Wil Thanks for the note. YOU ROCK!!! I'm hoping Spot.Us will expand into other regions soon. I think you are based in LA and that may be our next target. But first: The SF Bay Area. I strongly believe that journalism needs to stay strong to support our local democracies - and that's the goal. With the public's help - I think journalism could become even stronger than it was in its golden years. Best David Cohn
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Dude. Are you trying to bum me out?
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Dude. Are you trying to bum me out?
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First off: I love typepad. It rocks. What would make it better: Wordpress has a pluggin such that if I comment on another person's blog and somebody comments after mine, I am emailed to inform me that somebody has commented on the same blog post. now THAT starts community and egagement. I would LOVE functionality like that on Typepad.
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2008 on A Bright New TypePad in 2008 at Everything Typepad
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