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Pamela McNicol
Recent Activity
Pamela McNicol is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I love your calendar Tracy!!! I can't wait to see your finished product!
January Calendar
I bought a blank 13x13 calendar so I could make my own for this year. I did the layout above digitally, and printed it in 12x12 to use as my January "header". The photos are of my Dad and his sister, playing in the snow outside their home. Papers and elements from Digitreats - Smirk, Gigg...
How beautiful is your family Stephani!!!! Absolutely gorgeous! You are very blessed:) Can the UPS man deliver some special packages to my house too? - they look fun!
thanksgiving weekend
Here are just a few shots of Thanksgiving Day and Thanksgiving Weekend. I'll try to post more pictures another time. Lily and Felicity at Great Gram and Merl's house on Thanksgving Day: Daddy 'n Jay: We spent Thanksgiving Weekend celebrating "Z Thanksgiving" with The Z Family on the isla...
Stephani - I am so sorry for your loss. Mindy looks like she was a beautiful woman and lovin Mom and I can only imagine the void that you must feel in your life with her gone. Prayers for you and your family sweetie.
Your friend,
memories of mindy
This is my sister, Mindy. 13 years ago today, at age 29, she died in a tragic accident -- leaving behind her loving husband and 16-month-old baby girl. Most of my friends know about Mindy, but maybe you've never seen a picture. New friends might not know anything at all about the sister I have ...
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