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Yeah, the same question
Ok people I am back at home now ! To answer a...
Ok people I am back at home now ! To answer a special question about the book some people are working on : 1. "Are we sending all posts we think are emotional, if so who is to be the judge on what posts are considered book worthy?" Author : Tilatem Zamungeyu We will take in as many comments as po...
ok, but you understand me )
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people! J Cameron through this film is showing us...
people! J Cameron through this film is showing us what we are doing with our OWN planet and nature, in film all the plants, animals and Na'vis were connected with each other, they all - the one. BUT on our... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at AVATAR
One is now following Marcus
Jan 5, 2010
One is now following AVATAR
Jan 5, 2010
One is now following FTU
Jan 5, 2010
In a film was sad, that he can choose woman, and...
In a film was sad, that he can choose woman, and then woman can choose him.. So if she don't choose him nothing will happen ) Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at AVATAR
Maybe those people, ho wants to do some for this book should group somehow... you know .. icq... or some other way.
Ok people I am back at home now ! To answer a...
Ok people I am back at home now ! To answer a special question about the book some people are working on : 1. "Are we sending all posts we think are emotional, if so who is to be the judge on what posts are considered book worthy?" Author : Tilatem Zamungeyu We will take in as many comments as po...
I just wander... if the russian people are posting...
I just wander... if the russian people are posting here they comments? ) Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at AVATAR
Great idea! But it isn't good to make this book ONLY with such comments like "This is a good movie, good idea and good graphics"... I think what J. Cameron wants to read in our comments are thoughts how we'll change our way of relationship with nature we live in, our behaviour on our planet Earth. I think this is main idea he wants to tell us. To open our eyes.. because our technologized sosiety is destroying our connection with the spirit of our planet... our home.
P.S. as you see - my native language isn't english. If you tell more about this book maybe i'll help.
Ok people I am back at home now ! To answer a...
Ok people I am back at home now ! To answer a special question about the book some people are working on : 1. "Are we sending all posts we think are emotional, if so who is to be the judge on what posts are considered book worthy?" Author : Tilatem Zamungeyu We will take in as many comments as po...
Peter Kohari, if i was asked so i think a will...
Peter Kohari, if i was asked so i think a will argee. Form the age of 13 i dream about something like that. But! There is also so many interesting things on our Earth. Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2009 at AVATAR
I agree with LeeG in everything! And with...
I agree with LeeG in everything! And with TomAnderson and with others... this film shows us that we are "killing our mother"... we must change the way we behave on our planet, or it will be too late! And i... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2009 at AVATAR
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