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Philadelphia, PA
Yes, I'm that Annoying Chick from Philly™
Interests: sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, horror, cartoons, kevin smith, early childhood education, reading, poetry, graphic novels, veronica mars, alfred hitchcock, george carlin, world domination, view askew, wwdn, melodic death metal, yes! pinky, we are going to do the same thing we do every night, try and take over the world!, sarmy, early intervention/special needs advocacy, st:tng, neptune rising, zqc, whedonesque
Recent Activity
Hunter Pence FTW!
Holy fucking shit, Wil. The first thing that I've trolled besides baseball in two years and of COURSE it happens to involve that CLOWN SWEATER!!! WTF, dude? Nightmares, man. Nightmares.
1 reply
disasterpiece added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 19, 2011
Yeah, dude is obviously joking. And he does give Halladay his propers by saying that. Is it in bad taste? Maybe, but I don't see a problem with it.
Football Twitter War! Hahaha. Weak.
Maybe he's in league with the Bloods or something. I've seen some shitty rappers wearing Phillies caps before for that reason. You never know!
Toggle Commented Jun 20, 2011 on Plax is Repping Philly Hard at Crossing Broad
I think it's more conspicuous that he isn't wearing his wedding ring. Sarah's probably going to lose her shit when she sees that.
*BALL four. That's supposed to say ball four. D'oh!
Yep, gotta agree with Schmidtty here, too. Last night's AB's should be shown to him on a loop until he stops fucking swinging at strike four. Jesus, already!
Hahahaha. Freeman is one ugly fuck.
Toggle Commented May 14, 2011 on Freddie Freeman Was Mad Last Night at Crossing Broad
I remember the "I'm going to be on Enterprise" prank very well, and it's CLASSIC. It will never be *not* funny to me, especially considering your Dad's reaction to it. As an aside, the whole thing that went down with LeVar inadvertently giving his cell phone number out to a million plus people, and then you and Brent making fun of his goof had me literally laughing out loud. @wilw Everyone turn off Twitter for a minute while @Levarburton gives me his new phone number. Go ahead, LeVar! @BrentSpiner I'd like to apologize to my dear friend @levarburton for making light of his unfortunate pitfall. I'd call him, but I don't have his number. You guys had me cracking up! Thanks for the laughs, even if they were at poor LeVar's expense.
Toggle Commented Apr 3, 2010 on from the vault: april's fool at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Nice! I started laughing because it immediately reminded me of this dialog: Kirk: Who was that pointy eared bastard? McCoy: I don't know, but I like him! lol
Toggle Commented Mar 24, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
I'm pretty sure that you missed this Twitter exchange that went down earlier, so I'm just going to copy/paste it for you (This would be right after you said to @levarburton that the people at concon can probably just tell by listening to him, that Jonathan Frakes used to be cool): **disasterpiece73 But he don't have to take your word for it! RT @levarburton @wilw no, I don't. JF has always been cool in my book.** As corny as it came out, I just couldn't resist saying it! It just demanded that "Reading Rainbow" reference, dammit! And I'm in complete agreement with 2010 Wil about leaving 2002 Wil's story just the way it is. It's always been a favorite of mine, and I would give anything in the world to have seen the look on Jonathan's face when you said that to him! And then the look on your face once you realized how badly you fucked it up...
Toggle Commented Mar 22, 2010 on From the Vault: Still Cool at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Absolutely! I was going to say the same thing, or something along those lines, but Dahl's books transcend the youth/adult generational gap quite nicely. Huge fan =}
1 reply
GN SFF, now I'm inspired to watch Star Trek again as I'm drifting off to sleep...gotta love the Spock/Uhura pairing! Pon Farr next movie! lol Sweet dreams =}
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Well I'm sure I'll be popping in before then, I just kind of meant ZQCAH, if you get my drift...GN ladies :D
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
GN itsnikki, sweet dreams =]
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
disasterpiece added a photo at Zachary Quinto
And on that note, I'm gonna try and muster up some sleep here, myself. GN, all! It's been fun! Same time next week?
Mar 20, 2010
And what lovely company you have! I'd tell you to have sweet dreams, but I know there'd be nothing sweet about them lol! GN LVDA =]
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
It's kinda bringing out my inner Cougar, even though he's only four years younger than me, but
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on Albert L. Ortega at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
LMAO! OMG, Scotty you're killing me tonight!!!
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
disasterpiece added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Tell me that this isn't the most adorkable thing you've seen!
Mar 20, 2010
LOL, GN Toled, I'm 100% positive that you'll be having some pretty sweet dreams tonight! =]
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto
disasterpiece added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Mar 20, 2010
Very cool, and unique! I like it too!
Toggle Commented Mar 21, 2010 on No title at Zachary Quinto