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Damaged is a sideways look at gay London clubbing.
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We're hearing good things about this folks. We hear Charlie's show's smart and fun. He's got a following from the Brewers including a posse of girls so metal toe caps for your toes when it's tops off time - which is as energised as ever.
We popped down to this and it was big hit. Very busy, kitted out for sex and a great laugh with no attitude! A success. Worth going.
It's a big thing across Vauxhall. We'll write something up shortly.
I imagine a sniffer dog would get whiplash
The post you're talking about is from 2009?!
The darkroom was only there on certain midweek nights. You'll have spotted it as it was basically the dance floor surrounded by corrugated sheets - building site like or Union's smoking area on Albert Embankment. It was often dead as they never advertised as just a sex venue like the fab Vault- they managed to create a cool Berlin style local which was great- but times change and that building site in the corner was's a great local, you can chill more than in Barcode and here's hoping this creates something new that compliments the likes of the RVT, Barcode, Hoist and Orange clubs on every corner Tesco style.
Nobody was using it so I think they needed to think about it- I thought it would be good on some nights too tho! But heck, if it's dead?! Hopefully it'll mean a good local can stay open tho. I've an article wot I wrote that I'll publish this week about losing venues.