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Divver The Great
Recent Activity
You know being fearless dosn't mean not afraid of anything....... Well maybe it does. No one is fearless though. Everyone is afraid of something even if you don't show it.I sometimes think I'm fearless ,but I'm afraid of very tall rollercoasters. Anyway you shouldn't be scard of everything. Th...
I know I know
You know being fearless dosn't mean not afraid of anything....... Well maybe it does. No one is fearless though. Everyone is afraid of something even if you don't show it.I sometimes think I'm fearless ,but I'm afraid of very tall rollercoasters. Anyway you shouldn't be scard of everything. Th...
You know being fearless dosn't mean not afraid of anything....... Well maybe it does. No one is fearless though. Everyone is afraid of something even if you don't show it.I sometimes think I'm fearless ,but I'm afraid of very tall rollercoasters. Anyway you shouldn't be scard of everything. That is... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2011 at Ashley's Blog
Apollo's Chariot
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!"I screamed as I was going down a ride called Apollo's Chairot. I was at Bucsh Gardens with my dad, Brittany, my stepmom Jenny, my Cousin, my Aunt, and Uncle. I was on the ride with my dad, Jenny, and my cousin's dad.\After the ride I was asking," Can I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Ashley's Blog
Cool!!!!! :P
First post
Well, hello fellow friends or family. I really don't know how to start a Blog. So..... well I guess I should tell you why I'm doing one. You should know that my mom is doing one. It seemed like she really liked writing a blog. So I decided to give it a try. Well that is it.
First post
Well, hello fellow friends or family. I really don't know how to start a Blog. So..... well I guess I should tell you why I'm doing one. You should know that my mom is doing one. It seemed like she really liked writing a blog. So I decided to give... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2011 at Ashley's Blog
Divver The Great is now following Montgomery R
Jul 12, 2011
Divver The Great is now following Marsha Kiel
Jul 12, 2011
Divver The Great is now following Mary Jane Byman
Jul 12, 2011
Divver The Great is now following Michele Montgomery
Jul 12, 2011
i hope you feel better
Humility vs. Shame
I’m taking a brief break in pouring out my journey over the past six months to share with you an epiphany I had after church yesterday. Don’t worry, we’ll return to my next misadventure tomorrow. The past couple of days had delivered more good news than I had received in over six months. On Fri...
aww I'm soo sorry. :(
Facing Financial Ruin – Part 2 of 2
It was a big decision. The senior recruiter had left the room so that I could read through and review the documents privately for a few moments. My husband Rob and I had discussed the possibility that there could be a fee involved in retaining a recruiter. I had not expected it to be this hig...
what about my trait? :D
I can already hear my sister saying, “Pineapple, pineapple, pineapple.” That’s what she always says when she thinks I’m going to say something complete inappropriate. I have no idea what would make her think that I would do such a thing...ok, except for maybe years of experience in dealing wit...
perfecto! :)
Overcoming Fear – Part 1 of 3
I have a dream. I may not be standing on a table and signing with a bunch of ruffians at the top of my lungs, but I have a dream. What? You don’t have little ones at home that beg you to watch Disney’s Tangled over…and over…and over…again? Ah well, for those of you who know exactly what I’m ...
Divver The Great is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 24, 2011
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