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Djam1029 is now following StarSparrow
Jul 28, 2010
Your sewing skills just amaze me! They are all beautiful!
This Week In My Sewing Room
Here's what I've been making: This is a small part of a mini quilt I'm making for my partner in the Quilt Swap Bootcamp group on flickr. I would show the whole thing, but I'm afraid it would give away the theme, and thus give away to my partner that this is for them! I made another M...
HaHaHa! Too cute!!! So original too. I can see the start of a whole line of body parts! lol
Sad Gallbladder Mini Quilt Tutorial
So I've been working on a secret project for one of my best girlfriends who had to have her gallbladder removed this year. It's a replacement gallbladder, in adorable quilted cuteness! I made it up as I went along, so please excuse the tutorial being a little rough (it's also my first-ever tuto...
I love the mini quilt! The writing you did with your sewing machine looks great on it, I didn't know it would do that! You are so talented my dear!!
Buzzing in the Beehive
Okay, I know the title is corny, but it's the best I could do at the moment. I've recently discovered the magical world of flickr, and I accidently ended up in my first quilting bee (the second and third ones were on purpose though!). Basically, I saw a flickr group called "Bee (a little bit) Ja...
Djam1029 is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 22, 2010
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